
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Parent, Sibling, or In-law Suffering from BPD => Topic started by: StarStruck on February 24, 2014, 06:43:24 AM

Title: A quick note
Post by: StarStruck on February 24, 2014, 06:43:24 AM
I have been LC for years, then VLC for 2yrs - no face to face, no telephone calls, no conversation. Now NC with a brief explanation etc to the accused. No accusation or writings of my pain to her. I just wanted to be free. I am a few hours in - the bomb dropped and now stillness, nothing.

After all the deliberation and the anxiety and the pain this DOES feel different from VLC. I know thats it, I will grieve heavily to start with no doubt and then what? a different future awaits.

All this is a lot more weirder then VLC. To describe; It's acceptance, it is free, it's renewal, it's daunting, it's admittance, it's love for myself even. x. Wow I managed to do this for myself.

(Not recommending just sharing) All our paths and mothers are different - bless them :/... . yes bless her :), I love you but I can't 'be' with you.

Title: Re: A quick note
Post by: lucyhoneychurch on February 24, 2014, 06:49:38 AM
I think our feet were one at a time dangling over the precipice so to speak for so long, that when we finally take the plunge it turns about to be such a decisive thing, even if only in our own heads - it's so healthy, so freeing, so NEW.

Backed to a wall so many times, we are breaking the tethers, ripping the leg irons away  :)  and so often we were the ones who locked them into place.

It's a new approach, that's for sure. The definition of insanity as it applies to us can be we keep trying the same old stuff (trying to JADE, etc) and expecting something other than the usual mayhem.

Big hug to you Starstruck.   

Title: Re: A quick note
Post by: StarStruck on February 24, 2014, 06:52:22 AM
Thank you so much lucyhoneychurch, I can't tell you how much your words to me, live on air too. .

Title: Re: A quick note
Post by: Sitara on February 24, 2014, 09:05:01 AM
It's time for you!

Title: Re: A quick note
Post by: StarStruck on February 24, 2014, 09:18:08 AM
Thank you Sitara. It's a bit of that  |iiii isn't it hey.  :)

Title: Re: A quick note
Post by: strangerinparadise on February 24, 2014, 12:44:27 PM
I'm really glad for you that you're taking this step.  |iiii

I'll be doing NC in a week and I feel like I'm just waiting for a bomb to drop.

The best of luck to you as you reclaim your life and heal.

Title: Re: A quick note
Post by: delaney on February 24, 2014, 03:20:19 PM
Good for you. :) I'm kind of jealous. 

Title: Re: A quick note
Post by: StarStruck on February 25, 2014, 03:59:54 AM
Hi guys -

strangerinparadise, Thank you very much :). & all the best strength in the world for you. It's a weird feeling about the bomb dropping... suppose in time you get the confidence knowing that its simply ok for you to look after yourself that we are allowed and don't need permission from gozer  :). Good Luck. 

delaney Many thankyou's too 

Title: Re: A quick note
Post by: chayka on February 25, 2014, 11:32:27 AM
Just wanted to say:  |iiii  good job, you did well!

Hope it will be a time of healing for you.


Title: Re: A quick note
Post by: StarStruck on February 26, 2014, 03:24:52 AM
Thank you Chayka!... . it means a lot. love, hugs to you,