
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: BSB on April 07, 2014, 05:36:30 PM

Title: First Post
Post by: BSB on April 07, 2014, 05:36:30 PM
I tried to subscribe to the BPD Magazine but was re-rerouted to GoDaddy.com to register the domain name.  :)oes anyone have a phone number or a better email address that BPDmagazine.com that you can share?

My husband and I struggled through extremely difficult teenage and early adult years with our daughter without significant help even though our daughter saw several counselors and she was hospitalized once for suicidal thoughts.  She has been seeing her most recent counselor for over two years and doesn't feel like she can live without this counselor. :)  :)oes anyone know the "average" length of time in counseling for a person with BPD?  Our daughter is doing a much better job of making healthy choices but it doesn't seem like she will be able to navigate the world without assistance from us.  It feels as if we have a disabled child and I worry about what might happen when my husband and I die.

Any thoughts, suggestions, advice, etc are welcomed.


Title: Re: First Post
Post by: maxsterling on April 07, 2014, 06:51:32 PM
Hi, BSB!   *welcome*

I'm sorry I don't know about which magazine you speak of.  Where did you hear about it?  I may want to research that myself.

I'm so sorry that you have to deal with a daughter who has BPD.  I'm sure it has been a very confusing and heartbreaking struggle.  I'm glad she has found a counselor who has been patient with her and has made progress.  How old is she now?  What age was she diagnosed BPD?  It sounds like you and your husband have been involved with her therapies/treatments.  What kind of treatments have worked for her? 

There are tools here to help you and your husband deal with this, too, and will make the relationship with your daughter easier.  I'd suggest reading over the topics on the message board for parents: Parenting a son or daughter suffering from BPD board (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?board=4.0)

To answer your question as to the "average" length of time - unfortunately, it is likely to be a lifelong struggle and she will always need counseling of some kind.  But with proper treatment, she should be able to get to a point of self-sufficiency.  My girlfriend was first diagnosed as a teenager, and now at 38 is still seeking regular counseling and attending regular AA meetings. Unfortunately, it's been a constant battle for her with plenty of slip ups along the way.  The positive thing is that now she does know how to seek help before things get too bad.  Here is a good link on the subject:  Can BPD be cured or go into remission? (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=123298.0)

I'm glad you found us here.

Title: Re: First Post
Post by: jellibeans on April 07, 2014, 11:51:08 PM
Dear BSB

I want to welcome you here and tell you how sorry I am you are struggling iwth your dd. I agree with maxsterling that you rally can't put a timetable of counseling and it is probably something they will need long term. My dd16 has been in counseling for 3 years now... . 1 1/2 with the new therapist and she has made progress but has a ways to go. It is good your dd has made that connection with her counselor... . before my dd found her recent T she resisted all help and I felt like I was wasting money on the whole thing.

The BPDmagazine is a scam... . I subscribe and got only one issue via email... . the person of contact stopped returning emails... . do not give him money... . there are a few here who have been taken.

I can suggest a book that has been very helpful... . Overcoming BPD by Valerie Porr... . this is my go to book and I reread it often.

I also want to encourage you to post of the parent board... . that is where I hang out and there are a good group there that can give advise and support. I look forward to reading your answers to Maxsterlings question so we know more about your struggles... . welcome