Title: My uexBPDwife is now engaged Post by: expos on April 22, 2014, 08:11:50 AM I knew this would be happening. I was getting mentally prepared for it. In fact, I felt a strange rift come over my body last week out of nowhere... . like some force was telling me something. I just got confirmation from a friend who still sees her and works with the both of them.
So just a little over a year after our divorce was finalized, my undiagnosed ex BPD wife is now engaged to her co-worker who moved in on her while we were separated. I feel and know two things. 1. Our relationship was a complete mirage and phony. I do feel cheated in someways. I gave my very best and she gave me nothing in return. It tells me her love is shallow. 2. I feel relief. Knowing that she is indeed that mentally disordered, that she did nothing to fix herself. She is the same person that I married and she did not change. If she would have gotten engaged two or three years down the road, I would probably felt worse, because then it MIGHT have meant she had fixed herself. I feel bad for my replacement. He makes more money than me and she is going to trap him for life if they have a kid. I know I dodged a bullet and I feel he won't be so lucky. I am grateful for our my new relationship, with a happy, healthy, mentally stable woman. I realize what I have now is really good. She treats me with respect that I never had with my ex-BPD wife. Still, the wounds appear, and I still think this a part of the grieving process. |