
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Bettering a Relationship or Reversing a Breakup => Topic started by: bpbreakout on April 22, 2014, 07:23:39 PM

Title: Wondering if I am over analysing
Post by: bpbreakout on April 22, 2014, 07:23:39 PM
Thinsg not good with our relationshipship at the moment. On related subject I'm seeing a therapist to work through whether potential impact of seperation (ie impact on life , children etc)

We had "state of the union" discussion on our marriage over the weekend. It was tense and simmering, I got called a few names and BPDw did some mimicking but no really ugly screaming or violence. I flet quite please that I used a lot of the usual tools to keep things on an even keel and detached myself from a lot of the insults that came my way. Intimacy has been an issue for a couple of months and is getting worse (for my part sick of being shouted at, mimicked, talked over, arguing over children - for some reason just doesn't turn me on). Among other things BPDw said she wanted a time limit on our marriage (as yet unspecified) and threatened to go and have an affair if I wasn't going to be a proper husband and tell her I love her , give her flowers and so on. At the end of the discussion, I told her I was clear on what she had said and fully understood the utlimatum and would think about what she had said.

Anyway afterwards I spoke to her for a few minutes about how I wasn't perfect but generally had been a very good and loving husband through some very difficult times over many years. I felt quite calm and confident as I said this - it was more of a truth statement as in "you may want to take my perspective on board" rather than a continuation on the previous discussion.

Among other things I made a point of re-assuring her that I had been faithfull and hadn't strayed. Anyway it's not the first time I've said said something along these lines & I can't help noticing the re-assurance on the faithfullness is never reciprocated by BPDw

Anyone have any thoughts on this as I can't help wondering & I'm thinking I would like to follow this up  :'(

Title: Re: Wondering if I am over analysing
Post by: RJC83 on April 23, 2014, 07:36:23 AM

It really does sound like you are having a tough time and I completely ,completely, completely understand where you are at this moment in time.  I am in a near identical situation with my dBPDw. 

As far as the coping techniques I have found so far goes, they seem to consist of laying down and just accepting it, letting things pass (as things can change dramatically in a matter of moments) and validating their feelings/thoughts – whilst trying not to ‘molly cuddle’ them.  Basically just let them treat you like crap and all will be ok…….! 

Anyway, the only way I have been able to cope myself is with the support of some amazing friends, so I have somewhere to vent.  Venting has been really useful for me so far – even if it is just having a rant on here and reading a few other examples to realise that you are not the only one suffering with your dilemmas. 

I think that (from experiences of my own) that the majority of the threats that come my way in regards to relationship issues are usually a ‘typical’ BPD response – where they will push all your stress buttons and then want reassurance themselves.  Have you tried talking through situations with a friend?

I have stayed faithful throughout with one hiccup where I started texting some other women on a social media site – purely to get perspective from other females that I was actually a decent person and did deserve to be happy.  Nothing happened, but she did discover it and the s!#t hit the fan.  Things were pretty rocky for some months (and I do understand it probably won’t ever get forgotten) but it did put our relationship through its paces and we were both able to realise that we do love each other, but more importantly we needed to start loving ourselves more without it needing to affect the relationship.

I wish I could help you more.  I’m fairly new to this and I wanted to let you understand that I know exactly how you feel.

I wish you and your family all the best and I hope things work out whatever direction you decide to go. 

Do not forget about number 1 – you.

Title: Re: Wondering if I am over analysing
Post by: an0ught on April 23, 2014, 10:59:29 AM
We had "state of the union" discussion on our marriage over the weekend. It was tense and simmering, I got called a few names and BPDw did some mimicking but no really ugly screaming or violence. I flet quite please that I used a lot of the usual tools to keep things on an even keel and detached myself from a lot of the insults that came my way. Intimacy has been an issue for a couple of months and is getting worse (for my part sick of being shouted at, mimicked, talked over, arguing over children - for some reason just doesn't turn me on). Among other things BPDw said she wanted a time limit on our marriage (as yet unspecified) and threatened to go and have an affair if I wasn't going to be a proper husband and tell her I love her , give her flowers and so on. At the end of the discussion, I told her I was clear on what she had said and fully understood the utlimatum and would think about what she had said.

right, give me flowers otherwise and btw. give me a license to cheat and abandon you. Pure desperation attempts to control you.

Anyway afterwards I spoke to her for a few minutes about how I wasn't perfect but generally had been a very good and loving husband through some very difficult times over many years. I felt quite calm and confident as I said this - it was more of a truth statement as in "you may want to take my perspective on board" rather than a continuation on the previous discussion.

Among other things I made a point of re-assuring her that I had been faithfull and hadn't strayed. Anyway it's not the first time I've said said something along these lines & I can't help noticing the re-assurance on the faithfullness is never reciprocated by BPDw

It is worth telling once but be careful not to invalidate her. What you are doing here is close to JADE and invalidating her fear that you are cheating and abandoning her.

Right now you can only validate her and work on re-establishing respect in the relationship behavior with boundaries. It is a difficult situation but then she is talking... .

Title: Re: Wondering if I am over analysing
Post by: bpbreakout on April 23, 2014, 07:57:03 PM
Thanks for your support RJC83 and great to hear you have a strong and supportive group of friends  |iiii

Thanks an0ught. I agree the comments were close to JADE & not worth repeating at this stage but also I'm comfortable with what I did as I wasn't feeling defensive when I said it.

At this stage I'm happy living day to day, I think I'm in a process of defining some major boundaries in our relationship.

With this issue my boundary on this that these kinds of threats are not part of a relationship that I wish to have with my spouse. My attitude is that I'm happy living day to day for the time being (this has a lot to do with having children together), I'm open to genuine and loving dialogue if it's in the interests of improving things and if threats continue to be made I can't see us working in the long term.

I have to leave the rest up to BPDw.