
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: AG on April 23, 2014, 12:10:18 AM

Title: Someone on here was right Allow Karma to do her thing and dont interfere.
Post by: AG on April 23, 2014, 12:10:18 AM
Ok so someone on here had said in one of my posts about wanting my ex to reap what she sowed on one of my angry posts. In that post I expressed how annoyed I was to say the least that she was looking to do the same crap to someone else and that he had jerked me around once again. I almost wanted to warn him when someone said do not do that and step aside and let Karma do her thing. He said that when you get in the way of Karma she will step back and let you work instead of her working but when you step back and just try to focus on you she will do what she does.

Today I decided to delete my fake profile facebook permanently that I had created just to find out the truth. However since I'm trying to actually heal lets not sugar coat it any its still stalking regardless of the reasoning and still unacceptable. It was obvious that she was aware that I was looking at her page and I am suspicious that the replacement somehow knows I have looked at his. God knows what fake stories/courting ritual she has used with him. Probably said all type of lies like she did to me with my ex but thats another story that I will never know. So I go to delete it and decided to take one final stalk.

I look on the new prey/replacement page and I see a post that he posted with Bernie Mack's picture that quoted "A man has to respect a woman but a woman has to give a man something to respect". When you look on the comments below it my BPDex posted "Unfortunately some women don't respect themselves for whatever reason but that doesn't give a man the right to disrespect them". Then the replacement quoted under that comment "In that case it's up to the man to bow out gracefully ". Under that quote some random friend of replacement commented "Yeah act like a hoe get treated like a hoe".

Now I saw those comments yesterday night thinking ok so I'm assuming the replacement is referring to myself being that I confronted her on her lies last week and basically told her I knew she was screwing us both and made a fake argument for fear of getting caught. She of course denied this and went back into victim mode/blame mode. Anyhow today when I did that final stalk.

She blew up in rage on replacements page right under the comment that his friend had wrote that said "Yeah act like a hoe get treated like a hoe". She wrote right under it "Act like an immature ass get treated like one!". Then the random friend wrote under that one "Woah (insert BPDex name) anger management calm down lol". Then Replacement wrote "Let's be civil familia lol". Hours later BPD ex writes "OK OK  :)".  On top of these comments the replacement actually clicked on like on his friends act like a hoe comment. My BPDex also clicked on like under the guys comment when he sarcastically said anger management.

So after that I could not help but just SMH and then that literally did it for me and I proceeded to click delete and deleted the page. I could not believe that she made a fool out of herself in front of her little Salsa friends and I could not believe that she actually admittedly with her first comment was saying she was a hoe. Maybe the first one could have been misinterpreted but then she went on replacements page and raged about it basically confirming for all to see of her promiscuousness. So she knew I was watching and tried to do something to hurt me even further as If I needed more hurt then being used and discarded like a used paper towel and it blew up in her face and she ends up embarrassing herself in front of her own circle. Honestly probably embarrassing herself in front of the new victim also. Knowing her she probably was raging at home throwing stuff around and breaking things and also that was probably the beginning of her process of devaluing this poor man who is still in mourning from his ex dying years ago. Anyhow this is something very small and I know I should not be taking any joy off of anyones pain. Probably something I need to discuss this friday at my first therapy session but I'll be honest I do feel some sense of pleasure seeing that backfire. It seems like shes becoming more and more low functioning and it is very hard for her to keep the mask on at all right now. Its leaking out quicker and quicker. Anyhow just thought I'd share that small poetic justice and also how it made me feel. I do hope that one day I get to the point where I can wish the best for her and possibly even send a prayer her way but right now as it is Ive given up on forgiveness for her and just want to feel any sense of relief inside me. I spent so much time with sympathy for her and prayers for her as well as time and love for her.

One thing is for sure I know damn well that before I met her I was a very spiritual person with lots of love and care in my heart for people. I can see some evil in me now and I will stay alone until it is gone. I will not touch another person ever until her poison is extracted. I will not be her in any way shape of form. Im not going to use anyone. That's a promise. If I somehow turn to the darkside like her then I will lock myself away and seclude myself off.

Title: Re: Someone on here was right Allow Karma to do her thing and dont interfere.
Post by: Ironmanrises on April 23, 2014, 12:26:56 AM
Her BPD and its accompanying cyclic behavior is her karma. Her behavior will not change with the current guy(just like with mine) and it will not change thereafter. It will repeat itself until she decides on her own that therapy and therapy alone, can perhaps modify her behavior to an extent.

Title: Re: Someone on here was right Allow Karma to do her thing and dont interfere.
Post by: Popcorn71 on May 11, 2014, 04:28:44 PM
I accidentally found out something interesting today regarding my exBPDh.

I went to look at a property with a view to buying it as I want to move.  I asked the vendor why it was back on the market as I had thought a sale was going through.  To cut a long story short, the vendor told me that the buyer had let him down and explained why.  I immediately recognised from what he told me that the buyer had been my ex but gave no indication of this to the vendor.  All the blame was placed on me.  What really happened was that my ex delayed everything during the divorce, presumably to get at me.  What happened was that it backfired and stopped him buying the house after spending out on legal fees etc.

I admit that this made me smile.  Lots of people say there is no need for revenge and that those BPD exs eventually end up in a mess of their own making.  I can see now that this is true!