
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Conflicted About Continuing, Divorcing/Custody, Co-parenting => Topic started by: Thunderstruck on April 30, 2014, 11:36:00 AM

Title: Therapy runaround
Post by: Thunderstruck on April 30, 2014, 11:36:00 AM
SO and I have been trying to get a T for SD9 for.ev.er. She has emotional meltdowns at school and is constantly acting up. In addition SO's and SD9's relationship has been really damaged with uBPDbm's alienation lately.

We talked to her school who didn't give us any help because we have insurance and the services they offer are for kids who don't. Then we did all this research and found a T#1 we liked but wouldn't work with SO or SD9 because uBPDbm isn't on board. T#1 has a support group for children who have difficulty in peer relationships. Very good for SD9 but might not help with the alienation that has been going on. We found T#2 who gave us the same story that she wouldn't work with us because uBPDbm wasn't on board. T#2 recommended reunification therapy to SO after he told her about his relationship with SD9 and he really liked that idea.

Now that we've brought it up in court that uBPDbm is blocking T for SD9, she is suddenly mother of the year and calling and scheduling appointments. She talked to SD9's school who didn't give her any help because SD9 has insurance and the services they offer are for kids who don't. (Yes we already knew that months ago... . ). Then she just sent an e-mail saying she scheduled an appointment with a T for TONIGHT without SO's approval. Coincidentally... . it's T#1 (who said she wouldn't work with SD9 unless both parents are on board ). I thought that was HILARIOUS and just wanted to share. I guess we will chalk it up as a 'win' because it was one of the Ts we would recommend anyway, although I don't think it would necessarily have been SOs first choice.

Title: Re: Therapy runaround
Post by: Turkish on May 01, 2014, 03:23:06 PM
I had similar experiences with my uBPDx. I eventually got her where I wanted her to go by subtle prodding, guilt (yes, I was not above using FOG at times), where she eventually decided herself a decision was best in her mind. It's good that you see the twisted humor in it, and that SD9 is hopefully getting the help she needs.

Title: Re: Therapy runaround
Post by: Thunderstruck on May 02, 2014, 12:09:33 PM
I don't think it's going to work out. uBPDbm told my SO that SD9 needs therapy so there's someone for SD9 to complain to about her dad (SO) other than just complaining to uBPDbm. So it sounds like she'll just be using the T to further her alienation by encouraging SD9 to badmouth dad, when what he really needs is reunification.

So SO is objecting to the therapist and mom is pursuing it without SO having any say. More chaos for SD9.