
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: manicmuse on May 01, 2014, 02:32:11 PM

Title: Why I think my BPD D28 has other issies
Post by: manicmuse on May 01, 2014, 02:32:11 PM
I try to include my DD in my life, and she will get my friends numbers and stalk them.

Try and talk to them about me. Making up terrible stories.

I work in the entertainment world, marketing.

I have a person on my friend list she friended and then proceeded to stalk the men on this womans private list trying to date them.

It goes on and on... .

and on

Title: Re: Why I think my BPD D28 has other issies
Post by: Kate4queen on May 01, 2014, 05:36:17 PM
Actually that's not uncommon for pwBPD. They tend to obsess over people and idealize them. It's all part of that black and white thinking. It's also a symptom of trying to control you. Or sometimes even using your friends against you by getting them on her side.

I think in your shoes I would be very careful about the information you choose to share with your DD.

Title: Re: Why I think my BPD D28 has other issies
Post by: manicmuse on May 01, 2014, 06:46:39 PM
My daughter was just diagnosed last year. I had her evaluated at 9yrs old, and they said that whatever it was shed grow out of... . I knew differently.

My younger Daughter fears for my life with her.

I had taken classes at 18 to help Developentally disabled and we were taught to keep them in reality. Thats what I did with her. But no matter how much attention she just wanted more.

Shes still I think just seeking my attention in any way she can get it.

Until shes realy for help I cant help her anymore, Ill never shut my door, but I also wont get sucked into the drama she keeps herself in, she likes it there.

Title: Re: Why I think my BPD D28 has other issies
Post by: parent of bpd daughter on May 01, 2014, 11:19:47 PM
I'm sorry manicmuse that you have to be here traveling this painful path too...

Isn't it UNREAL that we fear our own children? Absolutely unreal. My younger daughter also fears my life when I am around her sister alone.

I myself fear my life when I am with her alone...

They sure didn't put this in the brochure or discuss it in LaMaze classes huh?

All the dreams and lullabyes and little baby clothes we bought - who would have thought

we'd be fearing for our lives someday... .

I relate to your situation all too well - I am sorry.

I too thought I'd never shut my door - but I did once and after so much therapy and contemplation and help from those here ... . I have to say it was the only choice I had. I hope you never have to make that choice and I hope you know if you do, there are others who have gone before you and understand.

Title: Re: Why I think my BPD D28 has other issies
Post by: manicmuse on May 02, 2014, 05:37:33 AM
Right now shes worse than Ive ever seen her.

The drug use, and her getting away with the manipulation for so long isnt helping.

So Im in a custody battle to help her children.

She has 3 now, I had custody of them for 6 years, shes had them 3 but now they are telling us stories of abuse.

DYFS has been with them since the start, why no counseling for her?

Her Hubby is an untreated scitzophrentic, who doesnt like her children.

Its a mess, and if I do get custody, then NO she wont be back in until she has gone thru counseling, kept a job and paid her own bills for a year or so, noting she says impresses me.

And Im not really afraid Ill call 911