
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: manicmuse on May 07, 2014, 06:27:46 AM

Title: Little Update
Post by: manicmuse on May 07, 2014, 06:27:46 AM
Some of you may have read Im taking my BPDD28 to court for sutody of her 3 children.

A few weeks ago I had them here and when she dropped them off she was high and bragging how shes high all the time, when she left the children told us things we cannot ignore.

I was hoping with the court date looming she may get help, all she does is sit and get high or seek drugs at hospitals. Her hubby is Scitzophrenic both are untreated and doing drugs and arguing and neglecting and abusing the children. The children are living in terror.

So yesterday my Youngest DD 20 saw my ex, he is the only family member she hadnt painted black, he reported she is not letting him see the children either.

SO now NO family is keeping an eye out for them. I was praying shed seek help, but it looks like shes digging in her heels, and Ill soon have 3 more little people to care for.

These children need so much healing and they arent even having basic needs met.

SHe wont work, the house is like hoarders, its a terrible mess.

Title: Re: Little Update
Post by: tristesse on May 07, 2014, 07:31:01 AM
Hi Manicmuse,

I have to say God Bless you for taking on those children. The strength you must have to go up against your BPDD is amazing. I have no words of wisdom or even advice other than to say, stay strong and Love those little ones. 

Title: Re: Little Update
Post by: Thursday on May 07, 2014, 08:36:18 AM

Bless your generous heart. And your grandchildren are fortunate to have such a loving and caring GM. I can't imagine how hard this will be. I wish for you and your GC and your DD, much healing.

Maybe this will be the wake up call your DD needs to get herself clean and together but you can't count on that. It seems always to be a matter of you do what needs to be done FiRST and second comes a bit of magic... . and I sure hope this is what will happen to your daughter, a win/win for all involved.

Let us know how we can best support you. There are many here raising GC in lieu of their BPD kids.

You are brave and a hero for your grandchildren. Remember to take care of you and your husband as this will be perhaps more difficult than anyone can predict.



Title: Re: Little Update
Post by: jellibeans on May 07, 2014, 09:31:07 AM
Dear manicmuse

I know this is not an easy decision for you and I am glad you have the courage to do the right thing. I hope all works out for you and especially the children.

Title: Re: Little Update
Post by: manicmuse on May 07, 2014, 11:31:42 AM
Thank you all for the kind words.

I love them all so much.

Im only 49 the ex and i divorced 3 yrs ago after 25 yrs, he just grew tired of it all, and i refuse to just ignore.

All 3 children are from differnt fathers who also left them.

I am all they have, the only hope of not going to foster care soon.

I have the school nurse and 3 witnesses plus my younger daughter, and their records, and her and hubbys diagnosis.

I just hope its enough. But I also do pray for whatever happens let it be whats best for these children, they have been through enough.

Title: Re: Little Update
Post by: lever. on May 07, 2014, 12:03:36 PM
you are doing a brave and wonderful thing.

Your GC are fortunate to have someone who is prioritizing them above everything.

Title: Re: Little Update
Post by: js friend on May 08, 2014, 06:35:07 AM
Hi Manicmuse,

I wish you continued strength and resilence in the pursuit of giving your gc the lives they deserve.