
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: cacanpoint on May 11, 2014, 06:07:04 AM

Title: Obsessed by thinking of my replacement
Post by: cacanpoint on May 11, 2014, 06:07:04 AM
Hi everyone,

I thought I was doing better since i broke up with my undiagnosed exBPD boyfriend in january.

He  found my replacement within 3 days and he is still with that girl.

Now I'm really struggling not to think about it and i must admit that i am completely lost and hurt. Yesterday, i saw some pictures of them on facebook (i really searched to find that). I'm dreaming about it every night since one week, i'm waking up at nights or very early in the morning thinking about it. IT FEELS TERRIBLE !

I was really doing much better during the last month and now i just feel crappy and pityful to be like that, while he's enjoying life with his new girl.

This is so unfair and I can't help to think that it is disrespectful of our 4 1/2 year relationship to rebound that quickly. Even if it was tough, we had a wonderful love story that felt so unique.

Thank you in advance for your support, I really don't know how I can manage to accept that and feel relieved for good.

Title: Re: Obsessed by thinking of my replacement
Post by: 55suns on May 11, 2014, 06:23:48 AM
I can really commiserate.   I am also a bit obsessed with my wife's replacement for me.  She was with two other guys before she started seeing this one in late January but I knew the other two were just fillers so she didn't feel so alone.  I try not to check his Facebook but usually do daily.  At first I told myself that it was because she has him around our daughter,  but now I know it's because she is so happy with him.  A big part of it also has to do with wanting it to fail.  Twice he posted cryptic stuff that seemed to intimate that she started doing the same stuff that she did with me but who knows.  It's an awful feeling when you know you tried so hard to make everything right only to fail, then watch as they are happy seemingly because they are with someone who simply is not you. I wish you the best... . this is not easy.

Title: Re: Obsessed by thinking of my replacement
Post by: Aussie0zborn on May 11, 2014, 09:39:43 AM
... . I can't help to think that it is disrespectful of our 4 1/2 year relationship to rebound that quickly. Even if it was tough, we had a wonderful love story that felt so unique.

Disrespect is typical, don't beat yourself up over it. it's part of the condition and accepting that will help you get over this quicker. I would also suggest that while your wonderful love story felt unique it was more than likely fake on his part.

Don't worry about the replacement... . she will be here soon enough. Go out and make a new life for yourself.  You can have the happy life that he cant so what are you waiting for?

Title: Re: Obsessed by thinking of my replacement
Post by: cacanpoint on May 11, 2014, 02:28:05 PM
Thank you aussie0zborn for your reply... . it is hard to read and admit, but i feel that you're right.

And now begins the work of acceptance !

What is your story (i'm new here and i don't know how i can read all the past post from a member)

Take care