
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: BacknthSaddle on May 11, 2014, 11:00:41 AM

Title: Mirroring after split black
Post by: BacknthSaddle on May 11, 2014, 11:00:41 AM
After being completely split black as a romantic interest in February, my uBPDex has made many comments that have been quite direct reflections of my insecurities.  She knows me very well, it's worth noting.  For example, I am reasonably successful at work, and she will say things like "everyone here things you're a genius, but I know the truth" (she says this in a "teasing" way), which directly plays off my fraud complex.  She will use emasculating terms in fights like "p***y," which she knows play off insecurities of mine (never heard this kind of stuff from her in the 1.5 years previous).  She will call me "crazy," and she will make comments about my "self-esteem," which she knows is not what it should be and comments about which of course make it worse.  There are other examples. 

My question, and I suppose the answer is obvious but I want to know others' opinions/hear their knowledge, is as follows.  We all know that the positive aspects we want to see in ourselves are mirrored during the idealization phase.  Do our most serious insecurities then get mirrored during the time when we are split black?  Is what I'm describing above also a mirroring phenomenon, or is it something else? 

I find the idea that this is a form of mirroring somewhat liberating, in that it is just more evidence that the things I'm feeling are really about me, not her.  That she is really a placeholder in this whole thing to some degree.  Hoping to hear your thoughts. 

Title: Re: Mirroring after split black
Post by: Waifed on May 11, 2014, 01:51:18 PM
Don't know if she is mirroring. It seems to me that she is trying to maintain control over you by using emotional abuse and other primitive defense mechanisms. I got lots of this during the two weeks after my breakup. Once they realize they don't have control of you any longer things can get really ugly.