
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: jaynebrain on May 14, 2014, 11:01:54 AM

Title: Insurance
Post by: jaynebrain on May 14, 2014, 11:01:54 AM
Hello - I am wondering if anyone has any thoughts or ideas regarding insurance and DBT treatment.  We are very blessed to have our daughter in DBT right now.  I love her Dr and the group that is a support to us as parents.  This month marks a year of treatment and though there have been ups and downs the very slow trend seems to be improvement.  I have no idea when the treatment will be stepped down and I am not allowed to ask clinical questions.  (HIPPA!).  My insurance that I pay dearly for - a PPO plan has currently paid only $346 to me for statements submitted of more than $6000 just this year.  Insurance states that the Dr is out of network (of course they are, has anyone ever found someone in network that does DBT?) and there are deductibles etc. that must be met.  I am paying out of pocket for EVERYTHING and although I would not do anything to stand in the way of my daughter's recovery, it is KILLING me financially.  Does anyone have any ideas?  Resources?  I might add that I myself have been seeing a therapist, not as consistently as DBT treatment but that is another burden financially.  I am just interested in the experience of others - please share any wisdom you might have.

Thanks so much!   |iiii

Title: Re: Insurance
Post by: jellibeans on May 14, 2014, 02:48:34 PM
There was a post recently that I thought was very helpful. It talked about getting help through medicad and that can be done if your child has a long term illness that is costly. How old is your dd? Is she on SSI? I hope someone else has info for you.