
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Conflicted About Continuing, Divorcing/Custody, Co-parenting => Topic started by: Fanie on May 27, 2014, 06:53:44 AM

Title: Quote: Treat Your Borderline Personality Completely In 60 Days
Post by: Fanie on May 27, 2014, 06:53:44 AM
I found this website today whilst surfing:



-  Borderline Personality  Begone! - Treat Your Borderline Personality Completely In 60 Days Or Less. No Therapist Required. Full Program. WHEN DO YOU WANT TO START?


Comments everybody please  ?

BPD gone in 60 days !   

Title: Re: Quote: Treat Your Borderline Personality Completely In 60 Days
Post by: half-life on May 27, 2014, 01:25:25 PM
Totally not credible just from reading you quote. Looks like he is taking money from his Romania home base selling people false hope.

Title: Re: Quote: Treat Your Borderline Personality Completely In 60 Days
Post by: arjay on May 27, 2014, 01:45:23 PM
-  Borderline Personality  Begone! - Treat Your Borderline Personality Completely In 60 Days Or Less. No Therapist Required. Full Program. WHEN DO YOU WANT TO START?

... . "And if you enroll in our program before midnight tonight, we will throw in a second "Begone" program (you pay only shipping and handling"

Title: Re: Quote: Treat Your Borderline Personality Completely In 60 Days
Post by: OutOfEgypt on May 28, 2014, 09:31:34 AM
No freakin way.  That is a scam.  This is not like having a "cold".  This is not like learning some techniques to handle your fear of flying, for example.  This is a deeply-engrained, highly entrenched way of relating to others and walking in this world.  It is as deeply-engrained as, for example, how you or I might feel shy or awkward when someone compliments us.  It is unconscious... . automatic... . comes naturally.  It is how they have learned to unconsciously, and consciously, function and think and relate in this world.  It really takes a complete overhaul and lots of extensive work to make headway against this, from what I gather.

Title: Re: Quote: Treat Your Borderline Personality Completely In 60 Days
Post by: seeking balance on May 28, 2014, 09:41:24 AM
So, I read a bit about Weisz on the site, he was borderline (by his diagnosis), didn't find any treatment or diagnosis from a T, so he enrolled only for a BA in psychology (didn't say the University) and then received a masters (again, no mention of the University).

Can some people with BPD read a DBT book and practice the tools - sure

Will it make is somewhat better - maybe

But let's really look at the facts - how many pwBPD do you know that are proactive in admitting they have BPD, if they are - don't these same folks simply use DBT as it is a proven method of treatment?

Title: Re: Quote: Treat Your Borderline Personality Completely In 60 Days
Post by: Skip on May 28, 2014, 11:35:45 AM
Micheal is a registered family therapists in Romania.  He went to Babes Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca, Romania.  He has been practicing since 2009.  Got his MA more recently.   His CV is here:  www.theborderlinetreatment.com/credentials.html

He has video here that gives you a sense: www.theborderlinetreatment.com/bpb-details.html

His offer is a 45 free session to get to know him - promises not to pitch you.  His support material is $47 and it has a 60 day guarantee - money back.

My read is that this is a young Romanian therapist offering therapy at $60 per hour using a structured plan that he has developed.  He has/had BPD and really speaks with great sympathy and is bright. His offers suggest some confidence since he is offering a free session up front and everything is guaranteed. 

He also points out that time to recovery depends on severity and motivation - he had 2 clients in and out in 60 days - the others were longer.

Scam?  I guess it depends on what you think you are buying and if he is a decent counselor.

Sleazy Marketing?   Yes. It does feel like like a RonCo commercial.