
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: Cmjo on June 14, 2014, 03:45:35 AM

Title: Coming uo for another extinction burst? part 1. thursday
Post by: Cmjo on June 14, 2014, 03:45:35 AM
The last couple of days have been hell. On Thursday evening when I picked up my daughter fro  his house, to take her to a theatre outing with her teacher and friends, he came out of the house with her and marched with us to my car, demanding I hand it over to him. Its a subject that comes up now and again, his Dad oaid for the car, a rather nice Mercedes, when we needed a second car 7 years ago. He put it in my name and said it was "mine". I have driven it for 7 years, apart from occasionalyy to punish me he took the keys off me and told me to drive the old car, actually his Dad bought both cars! WhenI left him it was in the old car, then he turned nice for a few days and gave me the keys to the new car back. But he has sent me a few thratening messages about taking it back again, that I have to buy one of my own.

I said I was not giving him the car.

I got in the drivers seat and tried to drive off, he kept the door open and said if I injure him he will make a police report for assault. He ohysically leant over me, took my keys out and put his key in to see if it worked. He said he would be coming to take the car back. I realised there was jo point struggling. I begged him 10 times to go back in the house and not make this scene in front of D 12. Eventually he gave up and  i was able to leave.

As he for ages now will not speak to me, will not respond to messages, refuses to agree how we should divide the three month school holidays ( we live in Italy) I have finally got a lawyer, a colleague and good friend, to intervene. He should be getting the first letter on Monday. Its ABOUT TIME.

Sorry bpdfamily, you all told me this from the beginning, but I had to wait and try everything, now is the right time for me to do this.

Title: Re: Coming uo for another extinction burst? part 1. thursday
Post by: Trent on June 14, 2014, 08:59:45 AM
Sorry bpdfamily, you all told me this from the beginning, but I had to wait and try everything, now is the right time for me to do this.

Don't be sorry, we've all been there.  I don't think any of us can begin to detach until we reach our own breaking points.  Now that you've seemingly hit yours, I wish you the best in moving forward