Title: That's it I've had enough... I'm done Post by: AlwaysForgiving on June 25, 2014, 11:31:15 AM I have come to the conclusion that there is no helping her or reaching out to her. The things that have happened between us can never be mended. There is no happy Hollywood ending. So, I am completely done thinking about her... . worrying about her... . wasting all my energy on her.
I'm tired of being a victim. I'm tired of being in suspense all the time wondering when she is going to contact me again. I'm tired of all the horrible, hurtful things she has said and done (and continues to do) to me. I'm tired of things always being on her terms. I'm tired of being nothing but her back-up plan. I'm tired of being the only one that puts in any effort. I'm tired of the anxiety and stress. I'm tired of wasting my love and concern on a empty, vacant person that doesn't care a thing about me. I have blocked all communication and I am finally ridding her from my life. If she doesn't care anything about our 13-year friendship and all the things we've been through together, I don't care either. I am no longer letting that draining, negative entity do anymore damage to my life. I hope all of you find the courage and strength do so also. Title: Re: That's it I've had enough... I'm done Post by: paul16 on June 25, 2014, 11:41:07 AM I remember reaching this point and I can tell you that moving forward from it was like someone had removed the veil from my life. It takes a little while but you begin to see much more clearly.
Title: Re: That's it I've had enough... I'm done Post by: lifeafter18years on June 25, 2014, 11:45:47 AM Very well said...
Title: Re: That's it I've had enough... I'm done Post by: tiredndown on June 25, 2014, 01:19:55 PM Bookmark those reasons and read them over and over.
Title: Re: That's it I've had enough... I'm done Post by: blissful_camper on June 25, 2014, 04:21:53 PM That's awesome! Congratulations for reaching that stage of self-awareness and healing. It takes a lot of courage to let go, and move forward. |iiii
Title: Re: That's it I've had enough... I'm done Post by: Arminius on June 25, 2014, 09:05:49 PM I feel so lucky to have found this forum, it gave me the guidance to go NC and get my house keys back.
That caused her to unravel, try to break in to the house and commit criminal harassment. The resultant hatred in word and deed sealed it for me, and within a month of finding this place, I'm feeling like the weight of her many, many lies is lifted. Good luck to everyone else. For me, NC and Law Enforcement fixed it. :) Title: Re: That's it I've had enough... I'm done Post by: mywifecrazy on June 25, 2014, 09:22:07 PM Sounds to me like someone has just stepped,put of the FOG... . CONGRATULATIONS!
You'll still,experience some bumps along the way but at least now you'll be dealing with REALITY. I still remember when I had that :light: moment and all my uBPDxw lies and manipulation became crystal clear. It took me right out of my depression and I immediately went NC (extreme LC as we have kids) That was the moment that my healing began Good for you brother! Title: Re: That's it I've had enough... I'm done Post by: corraline on June 25, 2014, 09:33:24 PM Good for you AlwaysForgiving.
We come to a point where we just can't abandon ourselves any longer and make the choice to honor and respect who we are. You are worth it. I support you . Take care. Title: Re: That's it I've had enough... I'm done Post by: Changingman on June 26, 2014, 03:13:08 AM Good for you alwaysforgiven,
The journey begins, don't let anyone turn you from your path. All Strength to you |