
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: corraline on June 27, 2014, 09:32:37 PM

Title: a strange experience i had in the beginning
Post by: corraline on June 27, 2014, 09:32:37 PM
This may sound kinda strange cause it was.

In the very beginning of my relationship with my ex... . when things were going fairly well... . no red flags yet... .

I was alone and falling asleep.  Just as i drifted off, i saw his face flash in front of me, in that "in between sleep and awake state".  It was mean and menacing.  I woke up immediately and thought "what the heck was that?"  So i dismissed it and fell back to sleep.  Then, it happened again right after.  I just blew it off as a bad dream or something to that effect.

I could not understand why i was seeing his face this way when i did not have any concerns or issues with him at this point.  The first couple of weeks were pretty relaxed and all.

Does anyone have any thoughts ?  You know the subconscious mind, maybe it was just fear , my own fear that i was not conscious of.  Or just one of those random weird things that happen when we fall asleep.

who knows, sometimes i just remember that incident and wonder.

Title: Re: a strange experience i had in the beginning
Post by: maternal on June 28, 2014, 12:52:28 AM
That is creepy.

But really quite interesting.  It's almost as if your brain already knew and tried to warn you... .

Title: Re: a strange experience i had in the beginning
Post by: free-n-clear on June 28, 2014, 02:48:16 AM
It's almost as if your brain already knew and tried to warn you.

    I agree. You may not have consciously picked up any  red-flag at that point corraline, but the subconscious mind is always at work.

Title: Re: a strange experience i had in the beginning
Post by: LA4610 on June 28, 2014, 04:56:51 AM
i had a weird dream like that too. she got an evil look on her face (one i hadn't seen from her yet) and wouldn't talk to me. we were at a party and she had reunited with her ex. when i approached her she completely ignored me. also, there was a fence. i couldn't get past the fence to talk to her.

ironically, she got triggered a few weeks later and spent a whole day (at a party) ignoring me and talking on her phone to other guys. eventually, she locked herself in her room for no reason.

it was super weird.

Title: Re: a strange experience i had in the beginning
Post by: antjs on June 28, 2014, 07:00:14 AM
i saw my ex couple of times before i started talking to her. first time was from far and her looks really caught my attention. second time, i was closely passing by her and i was disappointed. at that time i told myself god her face and eyes are so beautiful but there is something wrong. her face was full of anger, agony, misery, hopelessness. i said to myself maybe she is having a bad day. now i know that my subconscious or intuition, brain reading maybe was trying to tell my something. it was not the look of having a hard day, it was the look of having a hard life.

Title: Re: a strange experience i had in the beginning
Post by: Jb101 on June 28, 2014, 07:09:31 AM
Not early on, but a couple of months before the end. I had one (whilst in bed next to her) where I was talking to her on the phone, she was in the same bed with another guy and I could hear them talking etc. freaked me out completely and didn't get back to sleep that night. I remember thinking it was a sign that I could have such a vivid dream and that it could feel real for her to act like that. Interestingly I told her about it... . said she didn't think she would ever do that to me... . as though it was still something she wouldn't rule out! From somebody I was about to buy a house with!

Title: Re: a strange experience i had in the beginning
Post by: Caredverymuch on June 28, 2014, 09:00:04 AM
This may sound kinda strange cause it was.

In the very beginning of my relationship with my ex... . when things were going fairly well... . no red flags yet... .

I was alone and falling asleep.  Just as i drifted off, i saw his face flash in front of me, in that "in between sleep and awake state".  It was mean and menacing.  I woke up immediately and thought "what the heck was that?"  So i dismissed it and fell back to sleep.  Then, it happened again right after.  I just blew it off as a bad dream or something to that effect.

I could not understand why i was seeing his face this way when i did not have any concerns or issues with him at this point.  The first couple of weeks were pretty relaxed and all.

Does anyone have any thoughts ?  You know the subconscious mind, maybe it was just fear , my own fear that i was not conscious of.  Or just one of those random weird things that happen when we fall asleep.

who knows, sometimes i just remember that incident and wonder.

Yes I have. The first week of knowing my ex I had an uncanny feeling he had a very deceptive side. I had no idea why I would feel that, at the time, because he was absolutely nothing but a dream.  I even mentioned it to him a time later.  I told him I felt that clearly upon meeting. He gave me that stare off look into the distance with that half smile many of us may know. And said his father was kind of " like that". Red flag. Wish I knew then... .

Title: Re: a strange experience i had in the beginning
Post by: half-life on June 28, 2014, 11:30:07 AM
I don't know what to make of your experience. I can talk a bit about my wife's dreams. More than one time she woke up from a bad dream. It was about me having another woman. She talked to me in great detail of how I betrayed her and how she will not forgive me. I am all innocent and I told her it was just a dream. But she talked with such vengeful look that made me felt very uncomfortable. I also become aware that we have a somewhat different view of dreams. I consider them her own subconsciousness mind rehearsing some of her own thought and past experiences. They are mostly a reflection of her own distrust for other people. She consider it as some sort of prophecy that's why I am guilty. She is fairly into dream interpretation kind of things.

Going back to your image or dream. So my theory is could it be someone, maybe your ex or people well before him all the way back to your childhood, who are really mean to you? And you resurfacing these subconscious thought?

Title: Re: a strange experience i had in the beginning
Post by: blindjoe on June 28, 2014, 02:10:37 PM
It's called hypnagogia - the state in-between waking and sleeping. During this phase the brain can conjure up some pretty frightening images or sensations.

The 'succubi' and 'old hag' mythos is based around this experience - hypnagogic hallucination. Typically, as your body relaxes and enters sleep, your mind or consciousness drifts off too. Sometimes, however, you remain consciously aware while your body enters the first phase of sleep. This is when the 'hallucinations' or images can present themselves.

It also can happen when you're waking up, transitioning from sleep to wake-mode.

Typically someone will experience sleep paralysis and the accompanying hallucinations at least once in their life during a stressful or trying time.

I used to suffer from this repeatedly, so know A LOT about it. Practicioners of astral projection try to enter the hypnagogic state to induce OBE's.

The most typical hallucinations are faces, a woman or demon 'pouncing' on your chest, etc... .

It's nothing to worry about and is quite normal.

Title: Re: a strange experience i had in the beginning
Post by: corraline on June 28, 2014, 03:45:36 PM
that makes sense blind joe.

thanks  :)

Title: Re: a strange experience i had in the beginning
Post by: LostGhost on June 28, 2014, 04:08:13 PM
Yes had one of these dreams too. It was a sexual one where in the middle of making live her face just turned expressionless, black eyes, devoid of emotion. I'd never seen that face before the dream but I saw it a few times during the devaluation phase. She also dreamed that while I was having sex with her, we'd be somewhere public and I'd always be looking at other girls or fantasizing about other girls and she'd wake up from these dreams upset with me for hours after. Never been unfaithful in my life. When I was with her I didn't have eyes for anyone else. We all know what it's like. You're completely absorbed in them, to the point the rest of the world almost just fades to background noise. Certainly was that way for me.

Title: Re: a strange experience i had in the beginning
Post by: corraline on June 28, 2014, 04:15:05 PM

me too LostGhost