
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Bettering a Relationship or Reversing a Breakup => Topic started by: reluctanthusband on June 30, 2014, 02:36:18 PM

Title: This may sound Pathetic but question on former family Facebook account
Post by: reluctanthusband on June 30, 2014, 02:36:18 PM
So I know asking about FB may seem lame, but in this instance it is the main way I communicate with family/friends not in the general area of my city.  We have always had a single/shared Social media account because she was always worried that I would "sneak" around her back and hang out communicate with other woman(As if I was the one to have questionable Fidelity!).  A few months ago because of some conflict with some shared friends at our home church( She has since left, I have not) she created her own FB account.  She says to everyone that it was because she didn’t want to bother me with all of her womanly talk to her lady friends(Which is a joke) But the real reason was because she didn’t want some of our friends to see pictures of her and our kids... . Really?  So off and on she doesn't get her way kicks up a fight and changes that shared FB account to a just me Account.  Because obviously I want to be on my own do my own thing and have my own life.  My question is what should I do?  These are my options:

1. Delete the entire account and go on with my poor life with little to no outside contact.

2. Post a message to our friends letting them know in a tactful and respectful(to my wife) way that the account will be deleted shortly and that they can contact me via email or via my wife if they so desire.

3. Keep the account delete the hundreds of useless acquaintances we have on there and just focus on the few folks that "I" care about.  This may include deleting my wife as  she posts so much useless dribble and often times makes comments that make her look totally stupid... . then gets mad when people call her out on it.

Any help would be much appreciated.


Title: Re: This may sound Pathetic but question on former family Facebook account
Post by: HopefulDad on June 30, 2014, 03:27:51 PM
So did I read that correctly in that the formerly shared account is now yours only?  If so, did you change the password so she can't get in?

I say either keep it and customize it (read: unfriend the acquaitances) to your liking or kill it and create a new one from scratch for yourself.  The former is probably easier since you already have the friend connections.

BTW, for the useless dribble from your wife and others, you can unfollow them without unfriending them and keep the connection while cleaning up your news feed.

Title: Re: This may sound Pathetic but question on former family Facebook account
Post by: reluctanthusband on June 30, 2014, 03:36:00 PM
I may just list all of the connections I have and wax the account and re-add them.  That way all of the advertising garbage my wife has liked in the past will clear up too.

Title: Re: This may sound Pathetic but question on former family Facebook account
Post by: woodsposse on June 30, 2014, 04:31:59 PM
Very good question.

What would you do if you had to get a new phone and manually reenter your contacts and let thepeople know you had a new phone?