Title: feeling pretty good but may have screwed up Post by: itsnotme567 on July 01, 2014, 11:16:18 PM So I started showing up again at the firehouse where we are both members and my replacement is also. Last week the chief took me aside to say he hopes I come around more he never believed what she's been saying about me. This week I sit though class and its not so bad seeing her with someone else (he even talked to me like nothing was going on this week) after class I went to ask her to return a couple of items of mine That started off ok she knew some things mine and got moved by mistake But then the switch flipped she said was accusing her of taking what didn't belong to her Told she been nice so far if I didn't back off I would not want to show my face around there again because she would let every body know what kind an (**hole) I am. At that point I knew it was time to leave and the my replacement tells her calm down. I'm not worried about what she might say about me but I'm wondering if the more I'm around and the more she sees people Treating me the way they always did will have her even more twisted And madder at me. I'm feeling even more sorry for the replacement now that I think about her comments when I would hangout with some of the guys she didn't get along with. Sorry if ramble on here just need to vent a little. I'm thinking that she may have thought that she had already Chased me out of the fire company because I had not shown up there for at least two months.
But in general I've been feeling pretty good most days and Seeing her latched onto someone new just helps to confirm that she's BPD and I am the good person many people say I am. Regardless of what she says. And for those reading this that May not realize the brotherhood in a volunteer fire company It's often like a big family there maybe members that hate one another but still risk their lives for each other and the community they serve. She can sling all the mud she wants I'm not going away. And if you have gotten this far thank you for reading Title: Re: feeling pretty good but may have screwed up Post by: myself on July 01, 2014, 11:47:57 PM Good for you. You sound very cool-headed and kind. Keep being yourself.