Title: Aggressive Behaviour. Post by: Willingtolearn on July 20, 2014, 03:10:39 PM I was recalling earlier, how my exBPDgf showed acts of aggression. One of those was when we used to go running together. If a car had been left half parked on the road and pavement that we where running along, she would hit the car hard with her hand or fist as we pasted it, and saying as she did so " this should not be parked here, it's blocking our path". Worst still, if the car door was open and the owner was inside the car, she would slam the door shut hard as she ran past.
I believe this type of behaviour can be quite common with pwBPD. Title: Re: Aggressive Behaviour. Post by: Tyrwhitt on July 20, 2014, 05:20:26 PM I can relate to these acts of aggression. My BPDh was walking a dog one night and kids were driving a car too fast, so he picked up a brick or stone and lobbed it at the car. They kids came back and he ran but picked up wood and hit the car again.
There's this self righteous part but woe betide any slight on him, however small. It has made being in public with him unpredictable and I no longer enjoy being out in unfamiliar places, although he is more relaxed on holiday. Title: Re: Aggressive Behaviour. Post by: Emelie Emelie on July 20, 2014, 10:50:33 PM This is interesting. My ex was very sensitive to any perceived slight and would react very aggressively.
Title: Re: Aggressive Behaviour. Post by: Tincup on July 21, 2014, 09:55:58 AM This is interesting. My ex was also very sensitive to any perceived slight. But she would get all worked up, but would react very passive aggressively. But I would hear about all of the slights. Things that would normally just roll off someones back she would take very personally.