Title: Movie "The Best Offer", with Goeffrey Rush, reminds me of BPDexgf, waif/hermit Post by: whatathing on July 22, 2014, 08:52:20 PM Hi,
I´ve seen this movie today: imdb.com/title/tt1924396/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_4 And it reminded me a lot of the dinamics that I had with my ex: her fragile, cautious, beautiful, hurt, self centered, victim needing a rescuer, bad temper but also sweet... .me focused on her and not on me, low self esteem, narcissic traits, looking for some special and unreal person who would have all that I admire, walking on eggshells, trying to understand her, overwhelmed by her emotional roller coaster... .and many more details that were very similar with what I went through. Anyone out there saw this movie and felt the same? I really think that behind the script must be someone who knows about BPD, or went trough a r/s with a waif / hermit p/BPD. Thanks |