
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Parent, Sibling, or In-law Suffering from BPD => Topic started by: Deardra on July 26, 2014, 04:50:43 PM

Title: I am so stressed with my son and his wife
Post by: Deardra on July 26, 2014, 04:50:43 PM
I think I'm ready to stop the denial. I've had my concerns in the past... .but it's undeniable now. So I am awakened as of this week.

I am so stressed with my son and his wife. She is definitely BPD... .She keeps trying to emotionally blackmail me and target me for her anger. I read Susan Forward's book on Emotional Blackmail to help give me insight and boundries of how much abuse I can take and when to put on the brakes. My son is trying to speak for her, but uses all of her techniques to try to keep her approval and let her get her way, to keep peace. I have made an appointment with a counselor for myself and husband. We are both exhausted. Last week I wanted to just die, really. I was soo tired of the abuse and afraid of loosing my son and grandson forever if I don't let her run my life and everyone elses.

Of course I cannot let her run my life. I set boundries again. Again I got threats and now have the silent treatment. I just pray my son will save himself and his child. They have been married 8 years now and it is soo exhausting and hurtful the things she demands and says and does. His child just turned 2 and shows signs of stress. My son has been to the ER with chest pains. The doctor said it was stress. We only get to see him and our grandchild once a month. He lives 20 min. away.

Any advice?


Deardra... .

Title: Re: I am so stressed with my son and his wife
Post by: P.F.Change on July 28, 2014, 08:42:09 PM
Hi, Deardra,

I'm sorry to hear how difficult things are for you in your relationship with your son and daughter-in-law. It is understandable you would be feeling emotionally worn down and depressed. I think it's really great that you have made an appointment with a counselor. How long until your appointment?

Wishing you peace,