
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: urbanfan1 on August 19, 2014, 01:27:29 PM

Title: Anxiety Meds
Post by: urbanfan1 on August 19, 2014, 01:27:29 PM
Hi all, my dd14 was recently started on Buspar for anxiety.  She is also taking Adderall xr, tenex, trazadone and latuda.  Also doxycycline for acne.  She is having really bad nausea and she thought it was from the doxy however, looking up side effects online, it looks like buspar may be the culprit.  Has anyone else had a loved one with nausea with this med?  Any advice is appreciated.  Thx.

Title: Re: Anxiety Meds
Post by: jellibeans on August 19, 2014, 03:21:32 PM
my dd17 takes doxy and it can make her very sick... .especially if she doesn't eat food with it. She was adderall and I found she ate very little while on that med. Be sure she is eating with these meds.

Title: Re: Anxiety Meds
Post by: mama72 on August 19, 2014, 05:16:46 PM
I agree with jellybeans. I worked for a Dermatologist for years, and Doxy can cause nausea if not taken with food. May want to check with the pharmacist too.

Some natural remedies for nausea are eating ginger snaps, sucking on peppermint lifesavers, and sniffing peppermint essential oil.

Hope your dd gets for feeling better soon.

Title: Re: Anxiety Meds
Post by: urbanfan1 on August 22, 2014, 11:20:29 AM
Thank you everyone.  I think I will try the peppermint life savers or essential oils.  I prefer the natural remedies too :)

Title: Re: Anxiety Meds
Post by: theplotthickens on August 22, 2014, 05:15:10 PM
It would be highly unusual for Buspar to cause  nausea.  Have you ruled out the Adderall?  I am not familiar with Latuda.