
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: bungenstein on September 02, 2014, 06:42:32 AM

Title: Subtle pain throughout whole body
Post by: bungenstein on September 02, 2014, 06:42:32 AM
Every morning I wake up I have subtle pain seething throughout my whole body, its been 8 months since I left my BPD, and the pain started a few months ago, can anyone please tell me what this is?

Title: Re: Subtle pain throughout whole body
Post by: enlighten me on September 02, 2014, 06:59:55 AM
How are you sleeping. IS it a good sleep where you wake up refreshed or do you wake up still tired?

Stress does a lot of things to us. Prolonged stress can lead to all sorts of problems.

If your not sleeping well then it could be because you've got too much cortisol. Try having a hot bath before bed. Cutting down on caffeine, light exercise, listening to music, get a massage. These as well as some other things will lower cortisol.

Has your diet changed? We tend to neglect ourselves I know I couldn't be bothered cooking so ended up eating junk.

Could be worthwhile seeing your doctor. Another poster on here went blind in one eye due to too much cortisol from all the stress. There could be a different problem all together so better safe than sorry.

Title: Re: Subtle pain throughout whole body
Post by: bungenstein on September 02, 2014, 08:50:09 AM
Thanks, I am sleeping ok, it must be a combination of PTSD and work stress. My work took a huge setback because of my BPD. I wonder if this how a BPD feels on a daily basis.

Title: Re: Subtle pain throughout whole body
Post by: enlighten me on September 02, 2014, 09:02:43 AM
It wouldn't surprise me. My ex wife was constantly complaining about joint pains and headaches. My exgf also had these ailments.

I didn't know or understand about BPD back then.

Like I said try to find some way of relaxing. I used to play a silly FB game that took my mind off of things. Id escape into the game to avoid thinking about my ex. It helped.

Title: Re: Subtle pain throughout whole body
Post by: bungenstein on September 02, 2014, 09:09:52 AM
Good idea, work does generally take my mind off it all, trying to work it all out.

Maybe it is just purely PTSD, experiencing the trauma that I numbed myself to whilst with her.

I genuinely feel like she infected me with something, for its something I have never experienced in my entire life.

Title: Re: Subtle pain throughout whole body
Post by: enlighten me on September 02, 2014, 10:07:36 AM
This is one of the strange things with BPD. Why are we so attached?

It reminds me of giving up smoking but about 100 times worse. The addiction that makes us constantly crave them.

Like giving up smoking giving up a BPD involves realising its bad for you, how your life will improve without it and distracting yourself from it until the cravings end.

I hope that you manage to de-stress and the pains clear.