
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Bettering a Relationship or Reversing a Breakup => Topic started by: Marvis on September 08, 2014, 04:02:28 PM

Title: Can I do anything?
Post by: Marvis on September 08, 2014, 04:02:28 PM
Still very much blacklisted. The only words spoken were as follows:

Me: you work in tonight honey?

Him: *inaudible mumbles*

Me: I'm sorry, I didn't hear you, what'd you say?

Him: stop trying to f---with me!

Me: I was only wondering.  I gotta go to bed.  I love you. *went to bed*

Got home from work and got nothing after I say good morning. His face is angrily distorted still.  Not a soft feature noticeable.  I pray that this ends soon. I'm trying to be ok with it but it's so hard when you're left in the dark while being right next to the person you didn't think would ever turn the lights out. Is there anything I can do in this present moment? Do I just leave it alone? 

Title: Re: Can I do anything?
Post by: maxsterling on September 08, 2014, 05:48:17 PM
I've been there, too.  My feeling is to just wait until his emotions simmer down, and he will come around.  Sounds like he is in a bad mood, and if he doesn't want to talk, that's his issue.

Stinks being in your position, but you have to do your best at living a happy life despite his bad mood.  There's really nothing you can do to force yourself onto his good side before he is ready.

Title: Re: Can I do anything?
Post by: Marvis on September 08, 2014, 06:37:48 PM
I've been there, too.  My feeling is to just wait until his emotions simmer down, and he will come around.  Sounds like he is in a bad mood, and if he doesn't want to talk, that's his issue.

Stinks being in your position, but you have to do your best at living a happy life despite his bad mood.  There's really nothing you can do to force yourself onto his good side before he is ready.

He just forced me to wake up (been a long work/brain week, I'm exhausted.  Day #6 @ work tonight) he told me that I make him feel like a prisoner in his own home and that I needed to go for a walk. I got up, in a daze mind you, got my walking clothes on all while he was following me around telling me how terrible and unsupportive I am. I said nothing. he told me that in order to make him more comfortable I have to stay in the spare room or find somewhere else to live. Our spare room is a catch all for his temper tantrum cleaning sprees. Hooray, I get a junk room full of his stuff. He started in again with how it's my job to make him feel better when he's like this, he's given me the tools to help and apparently I flat out refuse. That's when I finally said something.  I said(very calmly, mind you) "honey, it's not my job to make you feel better,  only you can do that for yourself,  just like I can only do that for myself. I want to help you but you need to be able to help yourself too. It's not fair to put your happiness all on me. I'm gonna mess up, I'm gonna let you down, I'm human, it's what we do." He flew in to a bigger rage. I just heard yelling, no clue what he said, I wasn't willing to accept anymore of the filth that spew from his mouth. I feel bad enough about myself most of the time anyway so I walked away. Smoked a cigarette,  brushed my teeth, and as I walked out the door I said, "I'm going for a walk, I will be back soon, I love you" what should I have done differently?  Did I do anything right? My brain goes into panic mode when this happens so I forget about enacting SET and whatnot.  I'm just so scared I'm doing more harm than good but then I realize too that I'm not very confident since I've been made to feel like I'm below him and everyone else for that matter. I'm just trying to find myself and my ways to deal with things. It'll come, I know this, but I just don't know when or how.