
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: 34Westbrook on September 05, 2014, 07:14:11 PM

Title: Worried for daughter's safety
Post by: 34Westbrook on September 05, 2014, 07:14:11 PM
My daughter was caught by the school sexting and I have also caught her sending sexually explicit messages on Facebook. I am beside myself with grief and worry. She will be 18 in 4 weeks and am looking into sending her to a theraputic boarding school which will cost a fortune. My husband is not with me on this but I feel if I do not try this I will regret it my entire life. I never thought this could get as bad as they are right now. She left the house tonight saying she needs some "space". I am so worried for her safety.

Title: Re: Worried for daughter's safety
Post by: Rapt Reader on September 10, 2014, 12:09:10 PM
How are things going today, 34Westbrook?

Is your daughter okay? Have you been able to put together an RTC for her? Are you getting any support for that decision?

If she has any professionals involved in her life (a G.P., Psychologist or Psychiatrist, Therapist, etc.), you could contact them and see if they have any ideas for you for her care... .

Can you give us an update so we can help? 

Title: Re: Worried for daughter's safety
Post by: PaulaJeanne on September 10, 2014, 09:30:56 PM
When my dd was 17, things were so bad I knew either I needed to leave or she did. My DH was not on board. Lucky for me, my sister has a vacation home 2 hours away. I thought, if I have to go there, I will drive 4 hours a day back& forth to work... .need to get away for my own mental health.

Found a RTC in California- we are in New York. DD was open to going & my MIL had just passed away leaving us $100,000. Virtually the whole thing went to sending DD to RTC for 9 months.

Not a magic bullet but the time away was good for us all. She definitely grew up being across the country with people who didn't give a darn about her. She was severely punished for not following their rules-got thrown out & ended up living in a sober house with middle aged druggies. And having to do her own laundry!What I'm trying to say is RTC may be good for both of you. She may get nothing out of the program, but learn a lot about  life without mommy there to catch her every time she falls. Wish you all the best!