
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: antjs on September 21, 2014, 03:29:43 PM

Title: i dont know what is this
Post by: antjs on September 21, 2014, 03:29:43 PM
For couple of days now i feel anxious 24/7. Very high level of anxiety as if a lion is infront of me. It is a disgusting feeling beyond words. 4 months back i was diagnosed with ptsd and i had panic attacks. The panic attacks stopped 1 month ago. I stopped visiting here, thinking about my ex and i have been going on with my life 2 months ago. For the last couple of days thoughts are back and these feelings. Its very mild symptoms of panic attack without the attack itself. 24/7 of extreme anxiety, stomach upset, breath depression, and literally anything could make me scarr and jump out of my seat. Am i developing an axiety disorder ? How shall i handle my situation ? There is nothing really to ask when it comes to my ex and what has happened. I feel that the emotional pain is so boring and i am wondering why these feelings are back ! Really confused

Title: Re: i dont know what is this
Post by: Infern0 on September 21, 2014, 03:31:54 PM
Are you getting counselling aimed at treating your ptsd?

Honestly you need professional help with that,  I find the counseling works quite well.

Title: Re: i dont know what is this
Post by: antjs on September 21, 2014, 03:35:38 PM
Are you getting counselling aimed at treating your ptsd?

Honestly you need professional help with that,  I find the counseling works quite well.

Not at the current moment. I did after the break up. My therapist taught me mental techniques to manage a panic attack. It used to work when i have got a panic attack. But now i dont feel like what i am experiencing is a panic attack. Its very mild symptoms present 24/7

Title: Re: i dont know what is this
Post by: antjs on September 21, 2014, 03:38:21 PM
I am just so fearful all day long. I keep asking myself what are you afraid of ? I am really clueless. Its just a feeling i was hoping it would pass but it has been persisting for days now. The fear for my body getting hurt from this extreme fear is annoying more than the fear itself.

Title: Re: i dont know what is this
Post by: maxen on September 21, 2014, 04:04:31 PM
hi anthony_james. i'm sorry to read about your experience. i have sympathy for it, as i developed anxiety disorder too, after my marriage exploded.

I keep asking myself what are you afraid of ? I am really clueless.

this is not uncommon, that a person can't put a finger on the reason. it may be lingering trauma from your relationship. if it ended not too long ago, it may still be resonating in your unconscious. panic disorder is a very unpredictable thing. i know that mine is caused by the way my marriage ended, and is compounded by the unpredictability of the negotiation phase of my divorce. however, from one day to the next i have no way to tell if i will have an attack. i can't locate any sure triggers. i carry clonazepam with me all the time, just in case. please don't worry yourself that you can't figure out what the reason is. these are horrid feelings and you will want to reduce them, whatever the cause. did your counselor suggest medication? and if your counselor gave you calming techniques, you may want to use them, panic attacks or no. the daily practice of breathing or visualization or prayer has accumulating benefits.

do you think you could start again with the counselor? have you examined the other aspects of your life, to exclude them? how are things with work?