
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Conflicted About Continuing, Divorcing/Custody, Co-parenting => Topic started by: sanemom on September 29, 2014, 11:13:36 AM

Title: Do you ever get reimbursements?
Post by: sanemom on September 29, 2014, 11:13:36 AM
Just wondering... .DH and his ex have always had in their order that they split medical 50/50; BPD mom has NEVER paid her half.  :)H eventually just stopped asking for it after years (she refused to pay child support for years back then, too).

Now there's a new order, and she is ordered to pay a small amount monthly to pay for insurance as well as half medical.  Of course, it's been four months, and DH hasn't seen a dime.  He filed with her for medical reimbursement of a bunch of dental bills and nothing there either.

He let her know that he would be filing an affidavit with the child support office stating what she owes.  They had just gotten it into their system, and she quit her job.  The office had garnished $20 of what she owed before she quit.

Now it looks like she is proclaiming to the world that work was causing too much stress, and she needs to make some major life changes.  I am guessing that will likely include not working.

How long do you wait before you file a motion for contempt?  She now owes DH $700 for the past four months.  I know she has no intention of EVER paying.  Not wanting to go back to court right away... .just wondering when will it hit some threshold where the judge MIGHT care.

Title: Re: Do you ever get reimbursements?
Post by: david on September 29, 2014, 11:21:04 AM
You can probably file a motion of contempt pro se to save money. I would think the sooner the better so the court "gets it".

With her history you might be able to get max custody as a consequence.