Title: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 05, 2014, 07:31:31 AM As the song says... .
Hello everybody. I am in a relationship with a man I suspect to be borderline for 2 years now and I am presently wondering seriously if this relationship is worth it. About 6 months after we started to date, he started to have temper tantrum (hope this is the right expression) and after a few months, I understood that something was wrong with him, but it about 1 year later than I found a piece of answer with readings on BPD. It's been only a month or 2 that I try to apply some pieces of advice read in books and it works sometimes, don't some other times. I am still a rookie in understanding BPD I feel that I will not be strong enough to cope with this disorder. Never spoke about it with my boyfriend. He speaks about getting some help for so long and doesn't do it so I don't want to put too much hope in this. I don't know if I should keep insisting about going to seek for help or should I give up ? Thank you Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: sweetheart on October 05, 2014, 09:08:40 AM Hello isa ,
Welcome to this forum, you probably already know you will find support and advice in abundance here. You will also have access to invaluable information and lessons that will also equip you to manage your life and yourself more effectively when dealing with aspects of BPD. No one can tell you whether you should stay or leave but as you are posting on the Staying board it seems you will be staying for now. |iiii Can you tell us a bit more about your bf 'temper tantrums' and what happens between you when they occur? You mention not knowing whether or not to talk to your bf about the possibility of him having BPD. If your bf does have BPD or BPD traits this discussion is likely to be very difficult for him, he may feel put down or inferior in some way by the suggestion that there is something wrong with him. Maybe for now it is enough that you know that something is different and accessing this website will definitely help you sort through the impact this is having on your rs. Posting on here and receiving support, taking your time to read through the lessons will help you build strength through insight and awareness of how BPD manifests itself within the context of a relationship. Working on yourself, being kind to yourself, stepping away from the chaos that you may have already experienced will help you as an individual and also as a parent make informed choices about how you want to live your life. Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 05, 2014, 11:16:46 AM Thank you.
I thought I was on the board of making decision on either stay or leave... . My bf gets very furious for some things that I find little. With the little knowledge I have of BPD I can tell it's when he feels not good at something or feels rejected or abandoned. He is verbally very aggressive with me using names I couldn't repeat here... . My problem is that I accepted for too long such behaviours, without putting my limits and now, it is very difficult to make him understand that I won't accept that anymore . I am strong but I really don't know if I am strong enough to cope with that. It will take me a lot of energy telling him my bounderies. He will feel treated as a kid and hates that. He will also feel rejected because not competent in behaviouring in a more proper manner. When not lead by his emotions, he is very rational and has a great sens of analysis. He knows a lot about him. The problem is his intense emotions that take the control of him... . Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: sweetheart on October 05, 2014, 01:39:24 PM Isa it is not necessary to discuss what your boundaries are with him. Just decide what you want them to be and go with them. Boundaries are about what you want or more often don't want. |iiii You can find lots of info on boundaries in the lessons that will help you to stay focused.
Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Indyan on October 05, 2014, 01:57:26 PM Hi Isa_lala, nice to see you here
It's "Rik" Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 06, 2014, 07:48:17 AM Hi Indyan
Sweetheart, I understand what you say. However, my problem is to determine what to do when my bounderies are not respected... .I do not want to accept any more bad words from him. So if he yells at me with those bad words, what can I do? I don't think I will be able to isolate myself in a room because I am sure he will not tolerate that and will force me to go out. Usually, I accept to go out from where I am because it's often at night when the kids are sleeping and I don't want them to see that. I often can't leave the house for a little while because I don't want my son be alone with him. I really don't think he would hurt my son, but we see so many family drama in the news that I can't stop myself from thinking about it. So I struggle with finding consequences if my bounderies are not respected... . Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Indyan on October 06, 2014, 12:39:24 PM Isa it is not necessary to discuss what your boundaries are with him. Just decide what you want them to be and go with them. Boundaries are about what you want or more often don't want. |iiii You can find lots of info on boundaries in the lessons that will help you to stay focused. I agree. I tried (in vain) to "discuss" mine (I wrote them down), that was pointless, he wouldn't even look at them. Setting boundaries is about what YOU do WHEN he behaves in an unacceptable manner. Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Indyan on October 06, 2014, 12:43:17 PM Hi Indyan Sweetheart, I understand what you say. However, my problem is to determine what to do when my bounderies are not respected... .I do not want to accept any more bad words from him. So if he yells at me with those bad words, what can I do? I don't think I will be able to isolate myself in a room because I am sure he will not tolerate that and will force me to go out. Usually, I accept to go out from where I am because it's often at night when the kids are sleeping and I don't want them to see that. I often can't leave the house for a little while because I don't want my son be alone with him. I really don't think he would hurt my son, but we see so many family drama in the news that I can't stop myself from thinking about it. So I struggle with finding consequences if my bounderies are not respected... . Maybe you can do what you would do if someone else visited you and lacked respect to you. I guess you would refuse them in your house again. Especially if it happened more than once. I figured out that I needed to picture "someone else in his shoes" in order to decide on what to do if... . What prevents from setting proper boundaries with them is the fear of losing them. And that's not sane. They end up blackmailing us into "let me do what I want or I'll leave you". They WILL leave ANYWAY. So, better to reinforce boundaries, as to protect your kid(s) and yourself. Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 06, 2014, 01:01:54 PM Indyan, now, I am not afraid of losing him. Respecting myself is more important than staying in a relationship that makes me feel miserable most of the time because my bounderies are not respected.
I really don't know what I can do when he does something unacceptable as using bad words or being verbally agressive. I tried to ask him to leave, but he didn't and I couldn't throw him out ... .call the police? could be very disturbing for the kids... . Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Indyan on October 06, 2014, 01:40:44 PM I really don't know what I can do when he does something unacceptable as using bad words or being verbally agressive. I tried to ask him to leave, but he didn't and I couldn't throw him out ... .call the police? could be very disturbing for the kids... . But you have 2 separate houses! Even if you can't do anything at that moment, you can maybe act later. You may tell him you don't want such a behaviour in your house and not allow him back. I've always thought that if only we'd had 2 houses here, things would have been a lot simpler. But I know, it's complicated. I've done lots of things in an attempt to keep him from doing intolerable things: First insults: I kicked him out. He came back later, didn't do it again for 9 months. Breaking things and showing rage in front of my daughter: I told him I was looking for another house and he said he was going to see a T. Then he really tried... .for some months. But we can set a billion boundaries, they will not respect them as they are NOT capable of controlling themselves. our boundaries are there for us to try and remember that BPD behaviour harms our kids (and ourselves too), and to do what's necessary to avoid it. What triggers his bursts of anger? And only call the police if he goes beyond the beyonds. If he threatens you, becomes physically violent, stuff like that... .I mean to protect yourself of an immediate danger. Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 06, 2014, 02:08:50 PM Anything can trigger his bursts of anger. His rage is sometimes weak, sometimes strong.
When he yells at me and becomes verbally aggressive it is often because he feels rejected or he feels that I am less present in the relationship (he has a 6th sense... .). His fear of being abandoned is so strong that he becomes unrational and becomes mean. He feels attacked so he "bites". This is the only way he knows to respond when he feels in danger. Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Indyan on October 06, 2014, 02:33:48 PM What does he think about therapy?
Has he considered it? As T said in MC last Saturday, I had to realize I wasn't HIS therapist. They don't feel "thankful" for all the patience, kindness and forgiveness... .that's what hurts most. You'll give love as if trying to pour water in the sand, it's just never enough. Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 06, 2014, 02:57:34 PM He was the first one to speak about seeking for help... .almost 2 years ago. But he is so afraid of suffering that he cannot make the first step. After I gave him an ultimatum back in February this year, he did 3 sessions with a psychologist but ended it up because it didn't see how it could help him. The psychologist was probably not the good one but he never wanted to see another one, saying that it was useless. Finally, this summer, after a huge burst of anger, he said he wanted to get some help but we are still at the point where nothing has been decided. I may be too easy on him and I may have to give him another ultimatum.
Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Indyan on October 06, 2014, 03:13:59 PM It's hard for me to discuss this topic because the whole sht happened PRECISELY when I told him (at last) he had to see a T... .
The world collapsed. His world, and subsequently our world collapsed. I haven't quite understood this, but it's as if he'd been running away from his deep-rooted problems all his life and suddenly was forced into facing them. His shell, his protections collapsed, he felt vulnerable, naked. I guess, I don't know. What's sure is that what sounds like "If you don't go to therapy, I'll leave" is dangerous. It puts too much pressure on them, and you may get a violent reaction. Maybe it works better to suggest MC (with a well-chosen therapist who also agrees to see each of you separately), that's what I did later... .God knows if it's not too late Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 07, 2014, 05:50:47 AM My discussion should be put in the "stay or leave" board. I don.t know who to ask to.
Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 09, 2014, 06:11:11 AM Thank you for having moved my topic.
As said, I am more in a "stay or leave" mood than in a "staying" one. Why? Because I finally opened my eyes and realized that despite all the good things I live with my BF, it is not the kind of relationship I want. - My BF has such a low self-esteem that he cannot believe in my love for him. - He is too insecure and is jealous. He seems to feel abandoned when I am at work, when I want (once only since we date) to do something without him. - He is always afraid that I could fall in love with the first man I meet because he feels like he will never be up to me. And the consequences are that I feel that I have always to justify everything which I don’t want anymore, that I have always to prove my love to him and it is so energy consuming, so tiring. It is like to fill an empty ocean with drops of water when there is a hole in the bottom of the ocean… He could probably go better with an appropriate therapy and maybe some medication for his “roller coaster” moods. Will it happen? I doubt! He is a very old fashioned minded man: a man is supposed to be strong, competent and the rock of the family… See a T? That means that he is not good enough to take care of himself. Medication? That is for the weak people. You see where I am now? And I love him, I know that when he is not controlled by his intense emotions, he is wonderful and meets all my wishes. But I understood that HE only could change himself and it needs a strong commitment from him. Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Mutt on October 09, 2014, 11:51:10 PM He is a very old fashioned minded man: a man is supposed to be strong, competent and the rock of the family… See a T? That means that he is not good enough to take care of himself. Medication? That is for the weak people. It sounds like he doesn't want to help himself and wants to be enabled and parented. Neither are for the weak. I can understand that there are alternative types of medicines etc. If you ask, does he usually have a reason not to do something? I'm sensing you need / want much more in a r/s and you feel like he takes too much energy. You have a right to be happy and not feel guilt for someone that wants his insecurities / dysfunctions enabled. Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 12, 2014, 11:12:28 AM Mutt, he is too afraid of suffering during a therapy. Also, he is this kind of man who thinks that needing a therapist would mean that he is not good enough, not competent.
Taking medication, that's worse! You are right, I want more from a relationship. We just spent almost 3 days in a row together and it was so nice, so easy, exactly what I want for 80-90% of the time. This paradise stopped abruptly last night when we were making love. He started to wonder why I was with him as (entirely false) I have been with soo many men... .and then, honey moon went to hell... . We tried to discuss about that this morning, but this was not the time HE wanted to discuss it and feeling him to be dishonest, I was mad and couldn't have a quiet discussion. I try to make him understand how I may be feeling when he says such things to me, but he doesn't want to listen. He said coldly that it s me who is too nervous for the last weeks and always anger for anything. That's kind of true but because of that, he doesn't want to take in account how I felt last night. He blames me of being too angry these weeks... .It makes me more angry... . Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 12, 2014, 11:15:13 AM I know that being too sensitive he may feel rejected and his fears may be worse. But I think that I passed the moment where I am still able of coping for everything i don't like in the relationship without showing my anger... .
Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Mutt on October 12, 2014, 11:21:40 AM I understand the stigma with getting help and talking to people. I think that there's no shame in that as a man. It takes courage to seek help, strength.
Excerpt He said coldly that it s me who is too nervous for the last weeks and always anger for anything. That's kind of true but because of that, he doesn't want to take in account how I felt last night. He blames me of being too angry these weeks... .It makes me more angry... . He's projecting. You've identified you are having difficulties with accepting his short comings. He's really telling you that he can't meet you in the middle. Can you be indifferent to things like projection and other BPD insecurities / defense mechanisms? Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 12, 2014, 08:15:49 PM Mutt, no I can't
It affects me a lot However, I learned a lot recently about BPD and I understand better his behaviours/reactions. It make me feel a little bit more serene (not sure if it is the right word in English to express my thought ) I am a LITTLE bit less affected. But still not indifferent. I know that it is not the relationship I want. But it is very difficult to make the decision of leaving him because they are so many things I like in him... .As it represents maybe only 60% of what we have together, it is not enough thought to imagine living with him forever if nothing changes... . Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Mutt on October 13, 2014, 01:46:54 PM Change comes from you. Change doesn't come from someone else.
Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 14, 2014, 10:01:59 AM I know, Mutt.
especially with my boyfriend who can be so efficient when we speak about non emotional things and so non-efficient when it's getting emotional. My head knows that the best thing to do is to end the relationship, and the message is slowly (but surely) going to my heart... . when I will be ready to make the decision, the next dilemna will be how to do it... . Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Indyan on October 14, 2014, 02:42:40 PM Can you be indifferent to things like projection and other BPD insecurities / defense mechanisms? That's a hard task! Already not taking them personally... .but being totally INDIFFERENT, wow I wish I could Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Indyan on October 14, 2014, 02:52:31 PM especially with my boyfriend who can be so efficient when we speak about non emotional things and so non-efficient when it's getting emotional. Yes, that's typical. My T says that lots of BPD have a very high IQ because they have "overdeveloped" their intellectual intelligence at the cost of their emotional intelligence (because they were not properly guided as kids to develop on an emotionnal level). If you're into personnality types, a lot of BPDs are NTs (I'd think especially men)... .and the (over) kind people who really fall for them are NFs... . My analysis anyway :) I have something else to say. You've been "fantasizing" about leaving him for weeks now and surely he must sense this. It could have a snowball effect, your feeling just feeding his own insecurities and agressiveness... . In Randi Kreger's book, she says that us nons also tend to think in black and white terms sometimes. "Should I stay or should I go?" could be one of these B&W thoughts. Why not figure out something in shades of grey, such as "I'll give it a real try, I'll use the tools here to change my reaction to his behaviour. I'll stop reinforcing his behaviour etc. I'll analyse the situation again in a month's time." That's just a suggestion Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Mutt on October 14, 2014, 03:09:00 PM I know, Mutt. especially with my boyfriend who can be so efficient when we speak about non emotional things and so non-efficient when it's getting emotional. My head knows that the best thing to do is to end the relationship, and the message is slowly (but surely) going to my heart... . when I will be ready to make the decision, the next dilemna will be how to do it... . I'm sorry I don't have advise. It's not an easy decision to make and it's alright to change your mind. My goes out to you. Can you be indifferent to things like projection and other BPD insecurities / defense mechanisms? That's a hard task! Already not taking them personally... .but being totally INDIFFERENT, wow I wish I could I agree it's difficult. It helps to read and understand the behaviors and why a pwBPD do the confusing things that they do sometimes. As to de-personalize, and become indifferent. It's not to say that my exes actions don't catch me off guard from time to time. I'm human, I have feelings and not a machine *) As an example if she blames me or projects, I don't take it personal because it's not about me. She copes differently with feelings of anxiety, stress, guilt etc. If she lies (dissociates) or alters reality. I understand that she's doing it because her feelings are out of place, not necessarily because I did something that she thinks I did. I trust my intuition and reality and I don't need to dig my heels in and fight back. My ex isn't always on the far side of the scale. My defensive demeanors when I didn't understand it was a mental illness were also triggering. Is it personal? Or is it maladaptive coping skills? Not an easy task, no. Not impossible either. To get to the goal of indifference takes accepting that a loved is mentally ill, he / she has their own struggles and may not be able to meet you halfway, and learn what's behind the behaviors. Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 15, 2014, 07:51:48 AM As I said on this discussion (on on another), if it was my son who was BPD, I would support him and cope with everything. My BF? I am not sure. We aren't married, don't leave together, don't have kids together... .Why coping with this? Because the relationship is also bringing me some wonderful things? Isn't it a high price to pay?
I don't have the answers to my questions. Indyan, I could see some grey zone and decide to add water to the wine but I really think I cannot. His rage outbursts are killing me. I cannot feel indifferent. My head knows that what he says when he is anger-filled, is not true. But my heart is hurt. And more I hear such bad words about me, less I can't cope with it. My vase is slowly but surely getting full... last thing, I don't even know if I would still have the energy, the strentgh to change my way of thinking, to work on feeling indifferent to what I see and what I hear... .even I wanted to do so... .isn't it too late? I don't know. I really think that a relationship shoulb be more equally balanced. I don't really believe in a RS where only ONE person does all the efforts. My thought could be different if he wanted to commit on a therapy and to put effort in the RS Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Indyan on October 15, 2014, 08:45:34 AM I can see that you're reaching your saturation point... .
why not suggest something to him? To see each other less for example? Or a break in your r/s? Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 15, 2014, 09:22:28 AM I have something else to say. You've been "fantasizing" about leaving him for weeks now and surely he must sense this. It could have a snowball effect, your feeling just feeding his own insecurities and agressiveness... . you are so right about this! he is feeling that I am struggling with something. He feels that I am not happy. And it tends to make things worse... .:'( But I cannot pretend that everything is ok. I just cannot. And he has a 6th sense anyway... . and yes, I am reaching my saturation point. But offer him to see each other less or take a break, that's not working. He will never accept that, we already had this discussion (general discussion about this) in addition, seeing each other less often makes things worse. He gets so mad maybe because of the abandonment fear... Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Indyan on October 15, 2014, 09:33:02 AM He will never accept that, we already had this discussion (general discussion about this) in addition, seeing each other less often makes things worse. He gets so mad maybe because of the abandonment fear... But what do you want? I mean, independently of his acceptance/demands, and apart from the option "him changing his behaviour radically". What do you feel like doing right now, with his current behaviour? It sounds like you may need space to breathe, like is all over you. Give it a thought... .what makes you feel "lighter" when you think of it? Not seeing him? Seeing him only outside your home? Seeing him only at week-ends? Not seeing him until you feel yourself again? Again, try to answer without fearing his reaction (FOG... .). Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 15, 2014, 09:48:08 AM thank you Indyan
what I want? I want what I call a normal relationship: respect, no rage outburst, no sensation of walking on eggshells, not afraid of his reaction that I find out of proportion, a relationship where everything is simple and quiet. I expect from a partner to be able to hear what I say, listen to how I feel, to accept that we can not like all the same things, that we can not agree on every subject, that we can be different but respecting each other in our individuality. as i am realistic, I know that RS are not always going well, but if there is a real will from both partners to make it work, it can. bottom line, I want a RS less stressful and energy consuming... .I would really be able to go back to the life I had before him, and even if I would miss him a lot, I would feel a kind of relief of not being afraid of his reactions. With him I feel the "damn if you do, damn if you don't" ... .decouraging Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Indyan on October 15, 2014, 09:57:35 AM Yes... .I got that, we're all there.
But, what can you play with cards in hand? I'm not asking your wishes to Santa lol I'm asking what you feel like doing RIGHT NOW. Seeing him/not seeing him? Being alone/seeing other people? That sort of stuff. Let's put it another way. Do you feel forced to see him? How would you react if a close friend reacted the way he does? Or a member of your family? That's PRECISELY answering to this that helped me recently. You obviously feel bad because you have no boundaries in place. You've been FOGGED into not daring to have boundaries and act upon them. Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 15, 2014, 11:03:42 AM you are right again!
I feel that I don't have any control. I would like to ask my BF to start a therapy but we have spoken about that so many times that it is like it doesn't mean anything to him anymore... . He never answers when I ask him to see someone. Now, he feels like if I always and only blame him. He thinks that I do have some improvement to make also. But when I want to discuss this matter, he goes away... . Maybe I am just too tired ;-) Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 15, 2014, 11:06:15 AM I will try to reopen the discussion seriously... .
and I will tell him my limits. He won't like it, but too bad... .I have to get out of FOG :-) Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Indyan on October 15, 2014, 11:24:10 AM I will try to reopen the discussion seriously... . and I will tell him my limits. He won't like it, but too bad... .I have to get out of FOG :-) From my experience, talking does not help at all, it makes things worse. You'll get into bickering fights that lead nowhere. I kept telling my BPD my limits, but that made absolutely NO difference. These are just words. Reinforcing your boundaries is about what YOU DO when someone goes beyond them. Again, if a good friend behaved the way your bf does, what would you do? See him/her less? Pick their call less? Hang up on them? Show less enthusiasm and start to move away from them? pwBPD don't understand "go to T", they hear "I'll leave you if you don't". Do what YOU feel is right. Let him come to the conclusion HIMSELF, whether it is going to T or changing his behaviour. We are not responsible for their decisions, they are. That's the first HARD HARD HARD lesson to learn. And believe me, I've learnt my lesson. Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 15, 2014, 12:04:50 PM What is demanding for me is to speak to my BF. As soon as he understands that I will give him limits or complain about something, he doesn't hear anymore... .So, how can i let him know what are the limits I want to put for myself and what I will do if he doesn't respect the limits?
I am sorry, I thing I am still in the fog (in both senses of the word... .) i am confused and need to clarify my thoughts, Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Indyan on October 15, 2014, 01:01:11 PM What is demanding for me is to speak to my BF. As soon as he understands that I will give him limits or complain about something, he doesn't hear anymore... .So, how can i let him know what are the limits I want to put for myself and what I will do if he doesn't respect the limits? Don't speak to him. In the worst case scenario he will get mad. And in the best one he will agree... but then what? What matters is ACTS. Make a list of the things he does that trespass your "boundaries". Then imagine what you would do if if had been a good friend/brother who had done each thing. I'll give you an example from my life, although I'm really not in the best position to give advice. I kept asking him to stop shouting in front of my D10. I told him it was not acceptable. I told him to leave when I was pregnant. I reproached him so many times having scared my daughter. Did that help in any way? Unfortunately not, because if saying it was enough to make him stop, he would have stopped it already. In the end I asked him to warn me of his visit, so I could arrange for my D10 to be away. Of course, it reinforces his feeling of shame, but he couldn't refuse this, as no emotion is involved here. At first he actually got angry and said "It's my home, why should I warn you when I come over?" but then he sent a message saying he'd do it. Now, when he's around, and if my D10 is around (not at her dad's), I'll stay away from him. MY BOUNDARY is this now: avoiding contact between him and D10. I've stopped asking him to change his behaviour. Don't expect him to change. Do what's necessary for the unwanted behaviour to cease. It he shouts on the phone, hang up on him, so you don't hear him anymore. If he criticizes your friends, leave the room and stop sharing your plans, reassuring him in vain, talking about your friends. These are just examples of course, there might not be appropriate at all. It's up to you. I am sorry, I thing I am still in the fog (in both senses of the word... .) lol Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 15, 2014, 01:12:48 PM I feel stuck when he starts yelling at me when my son is sleeping... Cannot leave the appartement and leave my son behind. Cannot go into a room and lock the door, he will get furious. And he may wake up my son when shouting at me and I don't want my son to witness this kind of behaviour, he will be scared for sure. So, what do I do?
I really feel stuck. Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Indyan on October 15, 2014, 01:42:26 PM I feel stuck when he starts yelling at me when my son is sleeping... Cannot leave the appartement and leave my son behind. Cannot go into a room and lock the door, he will get furious. And he may wake up my son when shouting at me and I don't want my son to witness this kind of behaviour, he will be scared for sure. So, what do I do? I really feel stuck. You're surely not as stuck as I was, we lived together and I was pregnant. But I still told him to leave... .ok, that didn't work out. Actually it did for a while, but then he did it again. He doesn't live there with you, he has his own appartment. That makes things a lot easier. What would you do if a good friend of yours who slept at your house and shouted so loudly asked for sleeping over at your house again? Would you agree? Or would you say "no, you're too loud"? Think of it. Ok, it is more difficult to reinforce our boundaries when it's not from the beginning, just as we do with kids (when we don't say no, or we say it weakly, they get around the rule). But it's not impossible. You can try to justify your "sudden" change in "rules" by something maybe? You've had enough. It's really gone too far... .whatever. Does your son sleep elsewhere sometimes? It could be a way to reinforce a boundary. Your bf can only come over when your son's away. Or you only sleep at his place but he doesn't come to yours. YOU have the choice. You're not as stuck as you think you are, get out of FOG! Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 15, 2014, 02:07:50 PM I know that when we want, we can... .
the thing is that he doesn't yell at me all the time (of course not!) So do I tell him: "ok, we stay apart fo a week (for example) whenever you yell at me like that" ? would it be a good idea? Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Indyan on October 15, 2014, 02:17:09 PM I know that when we want, we can... . the thing is that he doesn't yell at me all the time (of course not!) So do I tell him: "ok, we stay apart fo a week (for example) whenever you yell at me like that" ? would it be a good idea? No. First, it sounds like a punishment, not a logical consequence of his actions, or something you do to shield yourself. Two, reinforcing your boundaries is not about TALKING but ACTING. If you talk about it, it's probably that it doesn't come as obvious. We only state what is not obvious. Then, your reaction depends on what you want to achieve. Do you want to protect yourself from his anger? Or your son? What triggers him? Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Indyan on October 15, 2014, 02:19:18 PM What would you do if a good friend of yours who slept at your house and shouted so loudly asked for sleeping over at your house again? Would you agree? Can you try and answer this please? Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 15, 2014, 03:13:14 PM I accepted such behaviours from a boss I have had for years until one day where I went to see him and I told him that such behaviours were not acceptable at the workplace and if it would happen again, I would leave the room because I don't want to stand it anymore.
Now that I experience that with my BF, I believe that I would not accept that from anyone without saying anything. why I stand that with my BF? I don't know. Probably because I don't what to do. for me, stting my limits is to tell him what my limits are and what would happen if he crosses away. and you know what? I think that he doesn't even realize that his behaviour is such agressive to me. I think he has always resolved his issues with rage, so he probably doesn't know what else to do when he is frustrated. And because I have accepted the unacceptable for the last 2 years, he probably thinks that I am ok with these behaviours how do I change course now? Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 15, 2014, 03:15:31 PM and if for example I decide to not see him for a week after a behaviour I don't want anymore, he will get more furious. He will never think, oh I did something wrong. NO, he will think that I reject him and it will wake up some fears and will make him very, very mad... .
sorry, but I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel... Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Indyan on October 15, 2014, 03:41:58 PM stting my limits is to tell him what my limits are and what would happen if he crosses away. This is is what you need to change. Telling is not enough, and not even required, as I said it will probably trigger an abandonment fear in him. Just decide on what to do if he crosses the boundary - and do it, always. Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Indyan on October 15, 2014, 03:44:46 PM and if for example I decide to not see him for a week after a behaviour I don't want anymore, he will get more furious. He will never think, oh I did something wrong. NO, he will think that I reject him and it will wake up some fears and will make him very, very mad... . sorry, but I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel... Your boundary shouldn't be in order to make him change (even if this would be a good side effect lol), but to protect yourself. It's like a musician shouldn't make songs for money only, but he might get rich if the song is really good :) I can't say more than what I've said. Maybe you need to read again and try to apply "setting and reinforcing boundaries" to something specific... .good luck. Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 15, 2014, 04:32:18 PM I just read again the part of the R. Kreger book where bounderies are discussed and I saw that when you decide what limit to give to your BPD partner (i.e. not yelling at me) you have to tell it to him/her. So will I.
and I will have to decide what to do if he doesn't respect me in this. Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 15, 2014, 04:34:18 PM thank you again Indyan, you are of great help and I appreciate very much your words.
Sorry to not seem receptive to what you said, it is just that I really don't master how to deal with my BPD unacceptable behaviours. I feel like a young kid, without any power on my life... . Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 17, 2014, 06:12:13 AM I think that I may have made everyone goes away from this discussion
but something happened last night that i need to speak about: I think what bothers me most about my relationship is temper tantrums by my BF, which are unpredictable and sometimes very strong. When they are directed at other people (like when driving), it stresses me, scared me, but I can manage. When they are directed at me or the children, it affects me much more. I had decided to talk to him and express what I feel when he gets angry with me and insults me because, as more time passes, more it affects me and I want him to understand that this leads me gently towards the exit door... . But last night, he was at his place with his boy, doing homework and he called me while very, very angry he was FURIOUS! He also continued to yell on his son while speaking with me, finally hung up because I asked him to calm down. I cannot watch that without doing anything. I'm an adult with a fairly good confidence in myself, a solid self-esteem and it affects me when it is directed towards me. So imagine his barely 8 years old son who already has a considerable lack of confidence in himself compared to my son... .my BF is now doing to his son what his family did to him when he was young: undermine his son's self-esteem... .I have to intervene. I need to tell him he must learn to control his anger, and quickly. That cannot wait. If he doesn’t want to do it for me (to not lose me) he must do it for his son. Any advice for me? I don't want him to think he is a bad father as he IS a good one. Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: RunForest on October 19, 2014, 08:24:10 PM Hello there Isa_lala, I read your conversation and feel like Indian about "punishment" of one week apart, that is to avoid according to me too... .
In general it's better to find a little thing to validate in his behavior , staying genuine and sincere of course. Than to criticise... . Myself now I hang down the phone when I hear unfair things, and I litteraly run away when he is having a non respect behavior , well I do a lot of sport at the moment... .:) But what makes it easy is that we do not live together and no kid no more living with us because my kids are adults. That works except when I am with him in my car , the only thing to do is to park, and go for a walk/run to calm (me) down, I notice my brand new "running" behavior is leaving him speechless PS : Above all hangs up the phone if he yells like that on his son because it is inadmissible. You will not make him learn to control himself... .but shut down the conversation each times it occurs. Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 20, 2014, 07:59:39 AM When he yells at me on the phone, I usually hang up. But he can call back in a compulsory way, so I answer the phone if not it is worse, he gets more furious.
I Should probably not answer. But once, he was at his place, his son was sleeping and I didn't answer the phone because he was not able to stop yelling at me, he came to my place, leaving his son alone because he was too furious... . So, leave the house and the boys behind when he is furious, no, I can't even if I know that it is what I should do. Rationally, I don't think he could harm the boys, but we see so many horror stories in the news of parents killing their children, that I cannot remain rational when I see him that furious... . Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: RunForest on October 20, 2014, 08:35:55 AM OK, is he physically violent with you? I think this is the ultimate limit not to tolerate.
But yelling on you this way is violence on woman , you shouldn't stay in that relationship. And as we cannot save everyone, he will save himself if he wants then. Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 20, 2014, 07:40:03 PM he never has been violent at me. However, when he got furious, he can pitch things or hit the wall with his hands. I know it sounds quite the same... .
Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: pallavirajsinghani on October 20, 2014, 09:55:57 PM Hello Dear Sister:
Would you please read the following and see what I am seeing? I don't want him to think he is a bad father as he IS a good one. He IS a bad father. No good father has such lack of discipline. He IS a bad boyfriend. No GOOD boyfriend does what he does to you. You can understand his problems. You can also forgive. You can be compassionate. You can accept. The point is, should you? We have an ancient Indian tradition of 'Sati" where the widows were meant to immolate themselves at the pyre of their dead husbands. And why so? Because the men in the family did not want to share the property with her. Now, here is the interesting bit: The widow was encouraged to do so, she was told that it was a holy act, that her devotion to her husband sent her immediately to heaven and there like a good wife, she will stay with her husband in bliss forever. The procession that carried her to the funeral pyre was amazing. She was dressed in bridal attire, she was pampered, she was adored, she was "worshipped" like a goddess. Her act was considered divine. Was the act of her own choice? Not at all... .this was insidious brainwashing and coercion at its best... .or should I say at its worst? So my question to you is this: What is pressuring you to self-immolate in the fire of his rage? What divine and glorified stature do you expect to achieve in your mind? Divinity resides in all of us... .can you even imagine the hurt you may cause your maker by hurting that divine element, that sacredness of being, that soul in yourself? His son can be protected in different ways... .record his rages... .(post another link about recording)... .take it to the child services. Let the experts handle it. You have the best thoughts in your heart... .but sadly, you do not have the clinical skills. You are not a physically strong man who can treat him the same way he treats you... .you cannot meet his fire by fire. You cannot beat him up, insult him, let loose a tirade of invectives... .it is just not the right, the moral way. However, you can prevent yourself from becoming a living, walking "Sati". Morality is not the synonymous with self-immolation. To understand him is not synonymous with permission of toxicity. To protect his son... .is not synonymous with deflecting his rage toward yourself in order to prevent him from targeting his son. I am not saying that you leave him... .that is entirely your choice and I as well as the board are totally respectful of choices our members make. What I am saying is that it is critical that you understand your own limitations. And your own limitations are: 1) You love him, you are not his psychologist/psychiatrist. 2) Your complete love... .even laying your bleeding heart at this feet, is not a cure for mental disorder... .love has clinical limits... .it cannot cure mental illness. 3) Your time and energy is limited... .you are a biological being, with biological limitations... .you can only devote a child like adult a certain amount of energy before you start to take it away from your actual child. It is all right if you believe that he is not abusive because he does not hit you. It is only important for you right now to understand that your mind, your heart, your soul is acting like an abused person. So please stay with us, allow us to be your balm, allow us to comfort you, to guide you whereever we can in this journey. Before you can blossom, you have to survive... .physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially. Let us enfold you in our comforting embrace and slowly let us together begin a process of healing together. All of us are fellow travellers at different points on the same road to recovery and rejoicing. God Bless. Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Indyan on October 21, 2014, 02:25:09 AM To protect his son... .is not synonymous with deflecting his rage toward yourself in order to prevent him from targeting his son. Very true. As sad as it may be, your are not responsible for his behaviour toward his son. If his son is in danger, you can call the police, contact child welfare, tell the child's mother or other relatives. But there is no point trying to reason a mentally ill person. The more you'll do this, the less you'll be able to make use of the above options (as he will know it comes from you). Something crucial here: is he ill or not? Two options: 1) Either he is not, and it is an "excuse" for you to forgive unforgiveable things 2) He is ill and your attitude towards him is inappropriate. You communicate with him as if he was sane. I know this may sound provocative, but I've been through this myself. You cannot say he is ill and try to bring him back to his senses. You see what I mean? By definition a mentally ill person can't control and understand some things, although they appear to try sometimes. Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 21, 2014, 06:05:54 AM you are both soo right! :'(
you know what keeps me from alerting child welfare? it's because the mother is worse. She has quite a temper even if she is not mentally ill (as far as I know) but at 35, she behaves like a 15 year-old teenager and doesn't offer a good environment for his son. But I won't let ig go either. I will see what I can do. pallavirajsinghani, you are right, there is something that makes me accept the unacceptable. I definitely know that i behave the opposite way of how I should with him, reinforcing his bad behaviours. Why do I do that? no idea. I am apparently looking for my way to heaven I am so confused... . Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: pallavirajsinghani on October 21, 2014, 07:15:40 PM Darlin': That's why counseling is so good. Counseling is not the same thing as therapy. Counseling is talking to an expert who is like a sounding board, who can guide you into understanding yourself. Only after that understanding can a counselor help you develop skills to attain whatever give you a sense of fulfillment and joy.
So please do not hesitate to seek out counselors that have some experience in "co-dependency"; "enabling behavior." For there are many factors that could be in play... .he could be closet gay---so deeply in denial that it erupts as rage against all woman kind and anyone and everyone else; he could have lesions in his brain, he could have been molested... .point I am making is that you do not know what is causing his behavior. A normal human mind tends to look for reason, for logic... .and you may be rationalizing it as just anger, or just this or just that... .and worst, slowly you are in danger of believing that you deserve it... .and through you, your innocent and sacred child deserves it too. So don't even try to understand yourself without any help, because when the mind is in a state of crises, one can lead oneself to self-delusions--that perhaps it is moral for you to tolerate all dysfunction, perhaps it is your fate, perhaps you are bad and deserve it, perhaps it is to prove your own tolerance level... .a certain type of twisted strength... .any and all factors can be at play. Understanding of the self should come before understanding of another person--mentally disordered or not. For in a plane that is fast losing oxygen, you need to put the oxygen mask on yourself before you put it on the child... .the chances of you and the child's survival are the greatest when you take care of yourself first. Sounds selfish? It definitely used to sound selfish to me... .until I understood the inner value, the dignity, the worth of the self... .and also the practical reasons. Mom not doing good? Baby definitely not gonna go good... .for the sake of your child, your sacrifice is not becoming a Sati, but to prevent yourself from becoming one. So, do not hesitate to research about counseling available to you. Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 22, 2014, 10:25:45 AM thank you again for your message pallavirajsinghani
I have a program offered by the company I work for that is free and confidential. I am already speaking with someone who helps me feel better. I may contact a psychologist I know who focuses on BPD. She could definitely help me. I feel ok, not too depressed. I was a little depressed last spring because of this relationship, but now, I feel less engaged. I feel more detached from the issues we have. I definetely don't think that I deserve any of his behaviours. I strongly believe he has BPD and that it's why he doesn't control his emotions. I know he can do it in his daily routine, but not with me because it gets too emotional. I don't try to find him excuses, I think this way only to protect me, to not feel the way you describe I am more disillusioned, like stoic a bit. I am more trying to figure what are my major bounderies, determining what I want for me, for my son than to blame me for my failed relationship. Of course, we learn from bad experience so I will probably benefit from all of that soon or later. please, keep help me to see more clearly in order to make the best decision. Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: pallavirajsinghani on October 22, 2014, 05:25:56 PM Do understand also that decision making is a process-at first your intuition tells you what to do... .only after some time does the intuition and the words come together and then comes implementation of the decision.
SO: 1) Your intuition may be very gently telling you already what your decision is. 2) A counselor will help you put your own intuitive decision into words. 3) Then will come implementation of the decision.\ So, it is not as though you will suddenly have an epiphany... .it will be more like a slow simmering conviction. Be patient with yourself... .you are very bright and intelligent ... .and now on track of becoming the wise one. :-) Title: Re: Should I stay or should I go? Post by: Isa_lala on October 23, 2014, 07:52:43 PM reinforcing your boundaries is not about TALKING but ACTING. If you talk about it, it's probably that it doesn't come as obvious. We only state what is not obvious. You are so right Indyan. I have told him for months that I couldn't stand anymore the way he talks to me when he is upset. Many times, I thought I made my point but at the end of the day, I am back to square one, soon or later I have to repeat again the same thing. I told him again today that I still love him but if he keeps getting very upset that often, I won't be able to continue. He seemed to understand. But guess what? I am quite sure that tomorrow, he will act like if haven't said anything. I know I am fed up with him being upset so often but because I don't know what to do to make him stop , I feel stuck. Do I have to leave him for good? I will try some tips I was given and I will see how it goes. I am just wondering if it is not too late. I have been coping withhis rage outburst for 2 years now... . |