Title: Has anyone retrospectively looked at their pwBPD's behavior and laughed? Post by: EaglesJuju on October 07, 2014, 07:34:18 PM My uBPDbf has been gone for a month. Today for some reason, I started remembering some of the childish and ridiculous things he would say and do. I could not stop laughing. It was so outlandish, it was funny. Has anyone felt this way?
Title: Re: Has anyone retrospectively looked at their pwBPD's behavior and laughed? Post by: silentscream on October 07, 2014, 07:59:18 PM Absolutely! Of course it always gutted me at the time, but now that I've been separated from him for months, I can think about his behavior a little more objectively. And sometimes it was so absurd, it does make me laugh. Not a joyful laugh, though.
Title: Re: Has anyone retrospectively looked at their pwBPD's behavior and laughed? Post by: EaglesJuju on October 07, 2014, 08:28:24 PM Sometimes I would not cook dinner. On those days, we would discuss what we were going to eat. A lot times, I really could not decide where to go or what to order. We would narrow it down to 3 places and I usually said, "Just pick a place, it does not matter." He would get up in the middle of the conversation and say, "Fine, I am not eating then" and run into another room and slam the door. One to two hours later, he would emerge from the room and walk by me without saying anything. Then he would go out the front door, slamming it behind him. He would return later with bags of fast food and go back into the room. He did this quite often. I thought of this tonight and I could not stop laughing at how childlike he can be.
Title: Re: Has anyone retrospectively looked at their pwBPD's behavior and laughed? Post by: drummerboy on October 07, 2014, 09:08:48 PM How about a 32 year, self proclaimed "independent woman" that used to get her elderly mother to drive to her place to clean her room?
Title: Re: Has anyone retrospectively looked at their pwBPD's behavior and laughed? Post by: grayarea on October 08, 2014, 01:15:30 AM Yes! Sometimes their behavoirs are so far out there and childish that you can't help but laugh. For example the other day I finally went for a run... .after months of doing no exercising. I felt a little proud of myself for getting back out there so later in the day I tell my bf that I went for a run. His reply was, So i didn't ask you. Then said he knew I was lying. He apparently saw my shoes earlier when he got home before me and looked at my shoes which were brand new never worn. Well apparently the soles were to clean and there was no way I used those shoes. Whatever I ran like a mile on pavement, not a marathon trekking thru mud. I thought it was funny he actually looked at the bottom of my shoes. BTW he still doesn't believe me lol.
Title: Re: Has anyone retrospectively looked at their pwBPD's behavior and laughed? Post by: Infern0 on October 08, 2014, 01:53:02 AM How about calling my house acting like she didn't know who I was , introducing herself like a stranger and telling me that someone had called her looking for someone by my name and so I should expect a call from them later.
Title: Re: Has anyone retrospectively looked at their pwBPD's behavior and laughed? Post by: ugghh on October 08, 2014, 11:42:46 AM Many, many times. Sadly I think it will take years before both my kids and I can get past this stage.
Some classics. - Kids get ready for school, uBPDw is driving them. She as usual is on BPD time, insisting that she only needs 20 min to get ready when it has consistently been an hour for years. In meantime, kids get ready, sit down watch TV, eat breakfast etc. Ex-uBPDw come flying down stairs 10 minutes after they should have left rushing around in a flurry. Right as they exit, son says "Oh I need to grab jacket from room which takes literally like 30 seconds." uBPDw proceeds to tell kids they are late to school because of him. - uBPDw proclaims "I am not a hoarder." - when we finally sold and cleaned out house, I was throwing away mail from 1998. - uBPDw says she needs new computer, this one is slow. Daughter - "Mom, you have 40 tabs open on your browser that might be part of the problem" Also, repeatedly slamming your mouse up and down on the desk and screaming does not make the computer work faster. Title: Re: Has anyone retrospectively looked at their pwBPD's behavior and laughed? Post by: hope2727 on October 23, 2014, 04:13:49 PM Yup. How about telling me how loved I am in the morning and breaking up by text in the afternoon. Then crying his eyes out that I won't support him through the worst heartbreak of his life. Bahahahaha. No. Or picking a fight and breaking up with me so he can go out with the boys on a Friday night without me then acting like nothing happened on Sunday. Better yet going out with his bromance and then lying telling me he was home crying by the phone waiting for me to call but forgetting he told my best friend all about why a feat time they had. Yup they say and do the craziest things.