
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: EyesWidenedNow on October 29, 2014, 07:52:46 PM

Title: Fives Stages of Detachment : Where I'm at after 5 Months NC
Post by: EyesWidenedNow on October 29, 2014, 07:52:46 PM
Hi guys,

The NC thing really works, it has served me well. The second thing that helped me was hitting the gym like never before and getting into excellent shape.

I finally realized today that I am at #4 Creative Action successfully today (in the 5 stages of Detachment). I kind of went through the first 1 - 4 and now dealing with 5 fairly well.

I was just finally able to put forth the effort into cleaning up my business affairs, which has been a big sigh of relief. Cleaning up the business has created some crazy enthusiasm for new creative projects. I am now coming back from the $ damage from the rs with my exudBPD.

I used the gym to vent my anger, but also to build my confidence and put myself in an awkward position with her if I ever run into her in my town. I've reached that. If she see's me she won't recognize and do a double-take! I look good, great even! However I did do out of the need to proove something. I think has turned out positive. I used to avoid her stores and pubs, but now can safely visit these places without anxiety. And, why not? I now look like a brick s***t house and I'm trim  

I still struggle with #5 - but thinking of her and the kids is interfering less and less with my well being. More disinterested weekly.

Stay strong people. You will break on through to the other side soon! 

Title: Re: Fives Stages of Detachment : Where I'm at after 5 Months NC
Post by: Deeno02 on October 30, 2014, 05:33:56 PM
Thats freakin awesome! Good for you!

Title: Re: Fives Stages of Detachment : Where I'm at after 5 Months NC
Post by: crookedeuphoria on October 30, 2014, 05:38:08 PM
Good for you! I love hearing this kind of stuff. Makes me realize that someday this will all just be a memory. Thanks for posting.