
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Parent, Sibling, or In-law Suffering from BPD => Topic started by: Shelle on November 01, 2014, 10:11:26 PM

Title: BPD and/or Alcoholism
Post by: Shelle on November 01, 2014, 10:11:26 PM
Ok, I am about halfway through the book, Adult Children of Alcoholics.  For me, reading that book has been like looking into a mirror. No other has described my life/childhood so accurately.

I'm posting about it because the ACoA challenges described in the book seem very similar to those of children of PD parents.

My mother is an alcoholic and also exhibits most of the characteristics of BPD.  I wonder if anyone on this forum could describe overlapping similarities of alcoholic and BPD families.

Also, is there anyone on this forum who's BP parent has never had a problem with substance abuse?


Title: Re: BPD and/or Alcoholism
Post by: MyLifeNow on November 02, 2014, 01:25:33 AM
I actually read that book years before finding out my dad likely had BPD. Everyone knew he was an alcoholic, even before I was born. When my therapist mentioned that BPD was a strong possibility I picked up the books she recommended and I was very struck by the similiarities. I have a feeling that alcoholism isn't an unusual problem for a pwBPD, since their problem is emotions that run out of control and alcohol is one way that people attempt to dull their emotions.

I think a really interesting question for a social scientist to study would be how often alcoholic families have some kind of personality disorder at play.

Title: Re: BPD and/or Alcoholism
Post by: funfunctional on November 02, 2014, 10:32:37 AM
Hi there

I will have to get a copy for my two nephews to read when they start realizing what an emotional trip their BPD alcoholic/addicted mom has done on them.   My sister whom i am currently no contact with has been drinking heavily for years.   Lot of closet stuff.   The enablers who are afraid of her include her now xhusband.   My dad.    And her x inlaws that really pacify her for their grandkids sake.   I dropped out of the ring of disfunction about 4 months ago.   Her freeloader addicted boyfriend they share their addictions.   A pair matched in hell.   

So i have so much compassion for children of BPD alcoholics.   They get the worst of two worlds.   Not just dealing with an addict but the craziness is paralyzing. 

Take care

Title: Re: BPD and/or Alcoholism
Post by: Hawk Ridge on November 02, 2014, 03:40:49 PM
My dad was a dry drunk and BPD.  My BPD girlfriend who left me has been sober for 7 years but very dry-drunkish and very BPD.  My T thinks. I have been trying to fix my stuff from childhood.  It's painful

Title: Re: BPD and/or Alcoholism
Post by: Pilate on November 02, 2014, 06:06:48 PM
 *welcome* Shelle

Do you think what you are describing could be comorbidity or self medication for underlying issues related to uBPD? It is not uncommon for people to self medicate with alcohol or for people with BPD to have substance abuse problems. If you look at the BPD criteria, issues with substance abuse are part of the illness.

My uBPDsil self medicates with alcohol and street drugs. It is a vicious cycle as the addiction fuels the illness and vice versa.

There are now dual diagnosis programs because the self medication  and addiction needs to be dealt with before the mental illness can be. It's very hard.

Title: Re: BPD and/or Alcoholism
Post by: funfunctional on November 02, 2014, 07:34:52 PM
Yes   She is totally self medicating!

But problem is the BPD gets in the way of her getting treatment.

She is so manipulative and deceptive and keeps control over her relationships by making issues between people.  For example she makes sure that her boyfriend hated me when i had zero negative interactions with him.  This goes on all over.