
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Conflicted About Continuing, Divorcing/Custody, Co-parenting => Topic started by: NYMike on December 18, 2014, 11:06:36 AM

Title: I have a Question
Post by: NYMike on December 18, 2014, 11:06:36 AM
As I learn here and read here I see that BPD's seem to never let go and come back a lot.

My question is this.Now that she put an order of protection on me I can not for any reason contact her.This would be bad for me and land me in jail.

The Sick part is my lawyer said she can still contact me whenever she wants.This to me is absurd.She can even come on my property and knock on the door.

So to the people that understand this.Does this mean she may still try to call me,set me up,use me,at a later date.?... .Is this the ''end'' to this woman or is it just another tactic to hurt me,control me,or what.I feel like its the end of the road but she still has her ''options'' wide open to come and go as she pleases.

She put the order in on Monday and said all these bad things about me and created drama with courts and police.As I look at the text I see she texted me Monday night.

If she is in fear for her life on Monday afternoon and files these charges,why is she texting me on Monday night if she is soo scareddddddddddd.

I wonder if she wants to destroy me and ''set me up'' and that is not good here in NY.Criminal Contempt is prison time.

Now I am scared if she is coming after me and will start calling police on me and making up a story line that I seen her and talked to her at Wal-Mart.

This may not be the end to this.I have read these people will come back even with an Order Of Protection or any court case.

Any help would be great... .


Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: EaglesJuju on December 18, 2014, 11:40:41 AM
Hi NYMike,

Although I am not a legal guru, I would suggest keeping all texts and documenting when she has contacted you.   Have you spoken to your lawyer about filing an order against her?  It seems that if she is contacting you, that would be a form of harassment and a violation of her order. The best thing you can do is protect yourself and not respond to her communication. 

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: peiper on December 18, 2014, 12:02:58 PM
I'm in the same boat. She got a restraining order, moved in with another guy she already had lined up, yet has still called and texted me from bogus numbers. If you can prove it's her it's legally considered entrapment. You can let the court know that.

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: clydegriffith on December 18, 2014, 12:10:12 PM
Be very afraid and stay away. Now that there is an order of protection is in place, she can go to the police and say anything she wants and they can and will arrest you. What she says does not even have to be true. She can go in to the precicint say you called her (even if you didn't) and you will be arrested. Stay far, far, far away. I speak from personal experience as the BPD woman i was involved with had me arrested 4 times within one year. It took her moving 7 hours away to put in and end to it.

I would contact the police precint with jurisdiction over her and let them know of the situation. Tell them you are dealing with a mentally distrubed person and you are afraid she may make false accusations. Ask them if they can do you the courtesy and in the event she makes such accusations to give you a call and you will gladly turn yourself in. This will spare you the shock and embarassment of having them knock on your door or even your job and taking  you away in handcuffs.

I'm also in NY. If you are within the 5 boroughs and she makes a false claim against you, lie about your income when you get to central bookings so you can get a free attorney. If the case is BS she likely won't cooperate with the district attorney because she would be subjected to cross-examination.

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: Mutt on December 18, 2014, 12:33:16 PM
Criminal Contempt is prison time.

Hi NYMike,

Although I am not a legal guru, I would suggest keeping all texts and documenting when she has contacted you.   Have you spoken to your lawyer about filing an order against her?

EaglesJuju has a good point. Sounds like you need your L to sort this out.

I would like to add video and voice recorders.

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: clydegriffith on December 18, 2014, 12:35:15 PM
I will further add that no matter how much the evidence points in your favor, the District Attorney will not drop the case and drag it out as long as possible. I was in court for almost two years straight based on the 4 arrests and i had to go through this. Had i had to pay for an attorney i would probably be bankrupt now. The cases only ended up getting dismissed based on the 30.30 speedy trial rules (they are not speedy at all). Hopefully it doesn't get to that point for you though!

Unfortunatley the way our laws are set up she can do whatever she wants without ever being charged for making a false statement or anything like that. The Domestic Violence industry has lobbied hard to engrain the thought that if you arrest people that make fals statements, it would discourage real victims from coming forward. I don't believe that could be further from the truth.

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: Targeted on December 18, 2014, 02:05:13 PM
Did she give you any sign that this was going to happen?  I believe in one of your other posts chicken to your place you give money and she stayed and wanted to get back together and then just this out of the blue? I am in no contact And I am staying that way but because I really did love her now that I am five months out I was kicking around the idea that I would only try again if she got The proper therapy, after the last and final break up she call child services with wild accusations trying to get my children taken away from  me,  I did not have children with her, these were my children from a previous marriage,  when she asked me recently to meet for closure and say goodbye this was in the back of my mind and kept me from meeting her everytime she asked, I just had a bad feeling if we met something bad would come out of for me and that's why I never did even though I wanted to. I still don't know what what happened but After reading your posts I'm glad I did not find out.

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: livednlearned on December 18, 2014, 02:53:30 PM
Do the most proactive thing you can do so you can protect yourself. If that means filing a protective order against her, do that. If it means carrying a recording device at all times, do that too. Block her number, change your routine, whatever makes you feel most protected.

In some states, you cannot record another person without their consent. Find out if NY is one of those states. Otherwise, if you're in a one-party state, you can record her. Either way, holding up your phone and telling her that you are recording her may get her to second think her next actions, and it's better to do that than worry about the recording laws. They're fuzzy in family court and it's better to have a record of what happened for the police, since they may view it and decide she was the perpetrator.

If I had to summarize my experience dealing with N/BPDx, it's this: find the strongest boundary you can and put it in place. The family court system has this effect of either triggering or empowering BPD sufferers to create more havoc than I ever thought possible.

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: david on December 18, 2014, 08:20:13 PM
I live in Pa and it is not legal to record. I still do. My atty said to stop. I explained I was just recording myself to protect myself. I figured a judge could disregard anyone else that was also being recorded in the vicinity. If my ex claims I said/did/whatever. I have a video camera pointed at me that has the time and date on it. My atty thought about it and said to continue.

I was falsely accused (after three protection orders over the course of three years none of which were of any merit) of assault and put in jail for two weeks for disorderly conduct. When I was released I purchased a video camera and an audio recorder.

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: ForeverDad on December 19, 2014, 11:36:56 AM
Cases like this are considered 'ex parte' which means she got an order with only her claims as basis.  The court made no extensive validation but issued the order based on the concern you might be dangerous or whatever.  You should be scheduled for a hearing where you both appear in a few weeks, right?  That's where you can present your defense.  Meanwhile obey the court order in every detail.  Right now it has more Authority than any claims she might make or any pressure she creates trying to get you to respond.

At that hearing put forward as good a defense as you can.  Documentation is important.  (She will have to substantiate her claims but she might get away with just claiming to be 'fearful'.)  Bring proof of her subsequent contact, take a picture of it and print it out onto paper if you can't print it out some other way.  Document the past time she was not behaving well.

There are a variety of reasons that could have triggered her to do this.  This may be her way to retaliate.  She may be trying to reject/abandon you before you can reject/abandon her.  If there is a case already such as a divorce or custody struggle or  she is trying to justify herself to friends and family, then this may just be her trying to make you look worse than her.  However, she should not be misusing the system.  The general perception is that women are more likely to get away with doing this than men.

Most important, never ever admit to doing anything wrong, improper or untoward.  In other words, you have a right not to answer - or "I don't remember".  You also have a right to legal defense, legal advice and legal preparation too.  Also, it is usually better not to be expansive in your answers - Yes; No; I don't remember - you might dig yourself into a hole by talking too much or being too informative.  If you say, "Yes, but... ." (such as "Yes, but she did it first!" be fully aware the court can ignore the qualifications in your answer.  Remember, you're the one being scrutinized here, not her.  Unless you file your own case against her, it's just her case against you, that's all that is pending.

At the least, tell the court that you want any protection orders, if continued, to be RECIPROCAL.  If she wants you to have no contact with her, then you want her to have no contact with you. You can't just state it in principle, you have to state you have become 'fearful' of her actions too.

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: enlighten me on December 19, 2014, 11:48:28 AM
I would suggest you get the phone number for your local police station. If she turns up at yours as you say she is allowed to then dont answer and call them. Explain you have an order in place and you are worried she is trying to set you up. They probably will do nothing about it but it should at least be logged by them. If she does it a number of times then you will show a pattern. It will also show you are trying to abide by the order. Just a thought.

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: david on December 19, 2014, 11:55:30 AM
If you tell the police you are fearful they are required (at least in my county) to send an officer. They are then required to write a report. Make sure you ask for the report. That is viewed as objective in court.

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: maxen on December 19, 2014, 01:44:20 PM
In some states, you cannot record another person without their consent. Find out if NY is one of those states.


if you operate in New York, you may record a conversation or phone call if you are a party to the conversation

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: ForeverDad on December 19, 2014, 01:52:58 PM
Even if you're in a restrictive state, you could view it as "I'm recording myself for self-protection so anything else picked up is incidental."  It may not work legally but in most cases the courts don't care, especially since these days there are a multitude of devices that can record, you don't need a microphone taped to your chest under a shirt anymore.   I've been here since 2006, in all these years I've only heard of a very few members where the court even got involved and generally it was just "stop it".  So, from one non-professional to another, go ahead and protect yourself.  Of course, never poke a microphone or device in the other's face or brandish it as though it was a weapon, just keep it out of sight or in the background, on the down low.  Odds are it probably will never be needed but you'll have it for 'insurance' and to help you sleep at night without undue worrying.

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: NYMike on December 19, 2014, 03:27:52 PM
Just chiming in here.I went to my Lawyers today and he is prepared for her.He said the ''anger texts'' I sent confronting her about manipulating the $300.00 from me and yelling at her on text calling her a Pathological liar and ''every dog has its day''.This is what done me in...

I admit I lost control and I am wondering if I did indeed SCARE HER.I am sure I did.I just wanted to know why she took 300.00 and then lied to me about so much.?... I will never get the answer.

Here is what I have to do to protect NYMIKE.

Step 1- ''neatly'' pack everything in boxes and took pictures and did inventory of all her stuff.

Step 2-  my T is going to write a report up for me to help me in court.

Step 3- STRICT NC... .

Step 4- you will all find interesting what my Lawyer found.He realized that this occurred on the 14th and she claims she was in ''fear for her life''... Why did it take till the 16th for her to file and why did she continue to ''text'' ON THE 14TH 15TH me even on the night of the 16th.?... .On the 13th why did she come over and tell me she loved me and cuddled with me if she is in FEAR FOR HER LIFE... .Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Step 5-I have to download all the text messeges she sent me to show that she WAS NOT IN FEAR... .

Does anyone know why she has gone this route to hurt me.?... .Why would she do this to the guy that cared so much and gave her so much and loved her so much... ?

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: Aussie JJ on December 19, 2014, 03:39:44 PM
Does anyone know why she has gone this route to hurt me.?... .Why would she do this to the guy that cared so much and gave her so much and loved her so much... ?


I can probably give you a answer using some of the theory, in time you will understand a bit of it as well.  At the moment, who cares why, she has done it.  It isn't acceptable for someone to say these things about you and all of that.  It is her problem why she did it not your problem.  Your problem is protecting yourself. 

I concentrated on the why instead of the protect myself.  Please protect yourself first and foremost at the moment.  Why can come later. 


Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: ForeverDad on December 19, 2014, 04:16:01 PM
Mental illness is illogical, even considering the emotional and other normal aspects.  Hers is a world of perceived extremes - PDs, after all, are when typical/normal 'traits' go to one extreme or the other.  She sees only two possibilities, she can either love you or hate you, nothing in between.  Black or White, no shades of gray.

It can be described, categorized, written up in textbooks, taught in psych classes, etc.  But it still won't make sense, it's a mental illness and by definition it can't appear normal.

It's possible she may calm down before the hearing.  If so, your lawyer can inform her that she can modify or withdraw the order if she wishes to communicate with you.  (Not that you will resume the relationship, but it could peacefully resolve the current situation.)  You can't ask your friends or others to communicate with her, likely your order prevents you from making such requests.

I'm thinking that if she's done it to you, then she may have done it before... .Do you know if she's filed such papers against other prior relationships?  If she's done it before then presenting those facts to the court could lend credence to your defense that it's not you, it's her and the history of her perceptions.  If you can convince the judge that she blew whatever you said/wrote all out of proportion and was not intended in such a way as she claimed, then it may be dismissed.

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: livednlearned on December 19, 2014, 04:26:40 PM
Does anyone know why she has gone this route to hurt me.?... .Why would she do this to the guy that cared so much and gave her so much and loved her so much... ?

The fear of abandonment makes BPD sufferers feel frantic. It seems like the more intimate the relationship, the greater the fear of abandonment -- whether real or perceived -- and that fear often drives a preemptive strike. They also cannot experiences opposites simultaneously (ie. being mad at someone and loving them at the same time). So once you are split black, and because feelings = facts, they go into defensive/protective mode.

Basically, it makes no sense.    But there is a disordered logic. It's not all random behavior.

On a side note, I've been in court more times than I can count (N/BPDx was a former trial lawyer and in 4 years we racked up 60+ filings). The most common thing I saw in family court while waiting for my own case is an ex husband or wife dealing with a protective order. I never saw one granted -- often the judge zeroed in on exactly what your L is saying. Judge always said, "Why, if you were so afraid, did you wait x days" or "Why, if you were so afraid, did you drive to her house to see if she was there."

I know it's anecdotal. But I do think that judges see a lot of people with bad problem solving skills using court to resolve their disputes (like people with PDs), so the onus is on the person filing to show the court that action is warranted.

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: david on December 19, 2014, 04:37:33 PM
I used to try to figure out the whys but felt like I was pounding my head into a brick wall. Eventually I stopped trying to figure it out. It is what it is.

I remember thinking if I could figure out the why I could fix it. When I stopped trying to fix it my thinking became clearer and I wasn't second guessing my every move so I wouldn't trigger ex.

She left in 2007. We divorced in 2010. I still get emails telling me what is wrong with me ? I haven't spoken to her in over three years. I only communicate through email and only reply to things pertaining to our boys. I never reply to "what is wrong with me" or any false allegations thrown my way in an email. 

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: ogopogodude on December 20, 2014, 12:10:51 AM
I live in Pa and it is not legal to record. I still do. My atty said to stop. I explained I was just recording myself to protect myself. I figured a judge could disregard anyone else that was also being recorded in the vicinity. If my ex claims I said/did/whatever. I have a video camera pointed at me that has the time and date on it. My atty thought about it and said to continue.

I was falsely accused (after three protection orders over the course of three years none of which were of any merit) of assault and put in jail for two weeks for disorderly conduct. When I was released I purchased a video camera and an audio recorder.

David,... .  one can record ANYTHING they want ... .(except for being a peeping tom video taping a naked woman in a bathroom). It is a matter of whether you may use the video camera footage in court is the real Q.  One will NOT be placed in jail for recording.  My advice is to RECORD AWAY ALL YOU WANT, ... .I did. Without it I would have been a frustrated father with his hockey stick in his hand and no way to play the game (sorry, ... but I live in canada).

Here in Canada, one cannot use video or audio content in provincial family court. Only written affidavits can be used in Family court. Unless one goes to Supreme Court (or both parties settle out of court) can one use video/audio content.  This how I was able to use my evidence: I went to Social Services (in our province in Canada, social services is called The Ministry of Children and Family Development) and showed them EVERYTHING ... .ALL the non-sense behaviour. Then they write up a report after they interview you, your ex, your kids (it only takes ONE parent to say "okay" to interviewing the kids, even if the other -BPD- parent says no to this). And then you get this report INTO court for a judge to see. This is EXACTLY how I did things. In other words, I got my evidence into court "thru the back door".

   I am a professional and I have to do things always in an intellectual way. It took patience and a lot of time etc ... .but now I am in a better place (with my kids living with me in my custody at all times). Judges do not like to have their decision-making influenced 100% by Social Services but a judge certainly CANNOT ignore it, as it is their azz on the line if they do... .

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: ogopogodude on December 20, 2014, 12:27:33 AM
Forgive me, other members here on the BPD forums, but I am a self-proclaimed expert on video taping and audio taping.  In my vehicle,  I have not one but two (always-on) car cams in a 24/7 fashion even in parked mode). One is mounted on the windshield that faces forward. And one is in the back-light/rear windshield facing backwards to record rear end collisions.  What is the point of all this?  They record onto a looping 5-hour memory card and record any shenanigans (domestic violence) anywhere near my car (usually in my driveway).  I also have a video cam mounted on my front door as well as inside my house.  I also video tape using my iPad. It is ALWAYS charged. As is my cell phone.

I have practiced over and over again with my portable devices on video taping so I have  become oh so proficient at it. One must protect oneself at ALL times.

All video content is downloaded (from time to time) and stored onto a hard-drive (usually a brand named called a "Passport" purchased at Costco) and then place into my bank safety deposit box. 

My ex knows I have some VERY damaging evidence in my possession. There is nothing, & I do mean NOTHING like possessing the nuclear bomb and being able to go to Defcon-1 when one has to.

I have a VERY good rapport with the local police department (as per instructed by Randi Kreger in one of her books) as well as many a health professional.  It is very wise to have lots of ammo if and when there is any question as to one's credibility when there is ever a domestic dispute or such.

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: maxen on December 20, 2014, 11:58:53 AM
Step 2-  my T is going to write a report up for me to help me in court.

very good.

have you seen this? bpdfamily.com About Personality Disorders and the Family Courts (https://bpdfamily.com/pdfs/pamp-eddy.pdf)

Does anyone know why she has gone this route to hurt me.?... .Why would she do this to the guy that cared so much and gave her so much and loved her so much... ?

because she has borderline disorder. i know that posters above have already said this, but it bears repeating, not least to myself. i never got to the point of fully absorbing that fact, it's more that i got exhausted and also reached a point when it didn't matter to the divorce anymore. but i'm relatively rational, she's relatively not, and the difference was a kind of catnip to me.

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: NYMike on December 20, 2014, 03:10:31 PM
Hello Everyone.You are not going to believe this.Then again some of you will.

I ran into her today at the grocery store.Unreal I seen her and she seen me.I turned around and ran away and left my grocerys and went to my truck and got out.

I called a supportive friend and he said you better call the police.She may want to try to violate you.I said,no she would not do that,would she.?

I pulled over after talking to him and thank god I called the police.SHE DID CALL AND TRY TO HAVE ME PUT IN JAIL... .What the heck... .That just hurts to know this fact.This was a woman who told me soo muchhhhhhhhhhh and told me she would never ever hurt me... .

I almost got violated and sent to jail.The police said it was good for you to call and thank god you did.So I am good again and I need to watch myself.They filled out a report and I have it for the court date.

Again I ask.Did I do something so awaful to make her hate me to wanna put me in Prison.I did some wrong things out of anger but nothing that warrents HER HATE... .

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: Aussie JJ on December 21, 2014, 08:43:23 AM
You kept breathign and didnt die.  Simply put, the fact that your living causes her pain. 

The further you get away from her, detached the better.  By walking away form her you 'abandoned' or 'rejected' her.  Even though their is a court order their it sets her triggers off. 

Because you walked away and abandoned her, she felt bad, instead of facing her actions she calls the cops on you and files a report.  Dont stress, concentrate on yourself. 


Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: NYMike on December 21, 2014, 08:51:12 AM
You kept breathign and didnt die.  Simply put, the fact that your living causes her pain. 

The further you get away from her, detached the better.  By walking away form her you 'abandoned' or 'rejected' her.  Even though their is a court order their it sets her triggers off. 

Because you walked away and abandoned her, she felt bad, instead of facing her actions she calls the cops on you and files a report.  Dont stress, concentrate on yourself. 


Thanks AJJ.

I did not realize that she would be mad that I did not approach her,thanks... When I looked up I abandoned ship and ran to my truck and got away.

Thank God I did call the police and got a report because she called them on me.WOW she must hate me and that does hurt.Why does she want to cause me so much pain.?

Somedays it don't make sence to destroy the one man that gave so much and cared so much.I would appreciate a woman like me... I would kiss the ground she walked on if she were like me.

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: Aussie JJ on December 21, 2014, 09:41:54 AM

She has placed an intervention order or what not against you.  DONT engage, you may be tempted to talk to her because you think that then she wont complain.  No matter what you do you are in trouble in this situation.  Cover yourself and keep walking away. 

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: NYMike on December 21, 2014, 09:56:01 AM
Yes I have to keep walking because if I break one of those I am in some real serious stuff.

So far I have not got a call from the police.The police called her on Thursday to make arrangements to get her clothes and the dogs stuff.I have it all packed nice and neat and still nothing.

She told the police Sat or Sun and I have to work out of town M,T and W so I won't be here.Do you think she is going to come for this stuff today.?... Do you think she is holding me hostage by keeping this stuff here.?... .One of her complaints on the OOP was ''mike would not allow me to get stuff''... Hmmmmmm,well I have tried before and she would only take 2 things at a time and leave it all behind.I gave her plenty of chances and know I am doing it again through the police.

I am a bit nervous and embarrassed because of the neighbors that will be home watching this DRAMA unfold in my nice neighborhood.I hate this feeling.

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: livednlearned on December 21, 2014, 11:48:45 AM
Can you put her stuff in a storage locker and make sure she has access? It seems like you need a way to document that you made it possible for her to get her stuff, and she did not follow through.

It's awful when it comes down to their word against yours. The only thing that can help you is to have documentation that tells a different story than the one she wants to tell in court.

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: maxen on December 21, 2014, 12:10:33 PM
The police called her on Thursday to make arrangements to get her clothes and the dogs stuff.I have it all packed nice and neat and still nothing.

you might call the police to tell them it's ready and been ready, then document that you made the call.

She told the police Sat or Sun and I have to work out of town M,T and W so I won't be here.

do you have to work out of town? if not, call the police and tell them that.

One of her complaints on the OOP was ''mike would not allow me to get stuff''.

this is characteristic BPD other-blaming, it's the "feelings = facts" mentality. i was terrorized after my wife ran away about what she did assert and would assert. document, document. keep the police informed. nothing's true just because she says so.

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: NYMike on December 21, 2014, 12:17:51 PM
Here it is 1:12 PM and no calls from police or no police showed up.

I have been washing my truck and cleaning interior all day and now I am going to wash the Harley.So I have been home all day and I have it all packed nice and labeled for her.

So far no sign of anything.If I was a gambling man I would say she want's that stuff here for a later ''recycle''.This is just my fear.I am not sure but before the police got involved she had many chances to get this stuff.

She seemed to have turned it around to make it look like me being the bad guy.Here are some text messeges.

1- You are holding my stuff hostage

2- You stole all I ever had left in life

3- You won't let me get my things and you destroyed my life

4- You destroyed all I have left

5- You stole my mothers diamond ring and her jewelry box.

You all know I have the stuff here.It is all packed and everything she brought here is documented,labeled and pictures are taken.

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: maxen on December 21, 2014, 12:37:49 PM
1- You are holding my stuff hostage

2- You stole all I ever had left in life

3- You won't let me get my things and you destroyed my life

4- You destroyed all I have left

5- You stole my mothers diamond ring and her jewelry box.

when i was present in my own house, having called my wife one hour previous to tell her i was there, she accused me of 'ambushing' her because i was still present when she arrived.

she withheld sex for two years and then blamed me for 'not having a marriage'.

she left by blindsiding me and sent sadistic emalis about her infidelity, then wrote to say that she was considering "saving the marriage."

i'm not trying to engage in one-upmanship, a game i could surely lose to someone, but to show that the intensity of a pwBPD's emotions is so powerful, and the need to fend off responsibility and the shame that comes with it is so severe, that they engage reflexively in projection (BPD BEHAVIORS: Projection  (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=70931.0)). your wife almost certainly doesn't realize she's doing that (nor did mine).

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: NYMike on December 21, 2014, 02:53:56 PM
Ok.The police called me and she did arrive.

I was a little pissed off because she was with some guy.So as you know I said something and she claimed it was her brother in law.He also stated I am her brother in law.

The cop stayed with me after they left and told me she also stated long before I got there that it was her brother in law.

I lost it in front of the cop and called her a con woman and liar.I said you did not have to lie to me the way you did.

I gave her clothing,toiletries and the dogs stuff.She wanted all of it and I was informed by my lawyer to wait till the court date and get everything in writing.

She was not happy about this and as usual BLAMED me.I told her I lost trust in you and don't want anymore trouble from you down the road.

So here I am and I survived it.I was not to happy about the whole brother in law thing and I am sure she enjoyed getting me jelous and shouting off.

For some odd reason I have allowed this woman so much control over my actions,thoughts and behaviors that it is very scary for me... .And for her,she is calm cool and collective like none of this even bothers her... My take is she has done this so many times before it prolly does not bother her the pain she has caused me.

Right now I am fighting not to break the OOP and call her and voice my rage and resentment.I need help right now not to break this OOP.The cop told me,whatever you do,do not break that or your butt is going to jail... .

I am soo f------------g ANGRY RIGHT NOW... .

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: ogopogodude on December 21, 2014, 05:54:16 PM
oh ... .people, ... people, ... .please go out and buy car cams and go-pros.  It is one thing to document. But it is another thing to video tape everything you do with a go-pro. 

Presenting a cop with a diary of written down crap will only get you so far.  Put a go-pro on your chest for a few months, ... .and you ex will disappear soon enuf.  It has been my experience that no BPD likes to be videotaped.

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: ForeverDad on December 21, 2014, 09:41:59 PM
And for her,she is calm cool and collective like none of this even bothers her... My take is she has done this so many times before it prolly does not bother her the pain she has caused me.

If you can locate other protection orders she has sought against earlier relationships then you might have basis to state she is abusing the system by making a habit of making exaggerated claims and even framing her prior lovers into saying things that could get them into trouble.  Have you read Dr Joe Carver's articles (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=56157.msg733115#msg733115) on Controllers, Losers, Users and Abusers (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=56157.0)?

She is pushing your buttons.  She knows, whether consciously or unconsciously, how to trigger your 'righteous indignation' over the unfairness of it all.  Whether that man is or isn't her brother-in-law is inconsequential.  Police don't care who he is, court won't either.  If you ranted to the officer about that they will see you are likely headed to trouble, hence the warning not to contact her or else you would get in deep trouble.  Yes, you could have asked the officers that just she could enter to get her things (with officer present of course) since likely that man didn't have a real need to enter with the officer present.

Remember too that this is a judicial system, not a justice system.  You might get fairness from the system, but you can't count on it.  But you still have to play by its rules... .obey the order, let go the outrage, be smart, don't do anything to trigger the officials to clamp down on you and move on emotionally.

So, all her things are out now?  Then there is no need for contact ever again.  Do not seek resolution or closure form her, you won't get it and trying there could prove to be a dangerous trap for you.  Closure is something you will have to Gift Yourself.  End the chapter, close the book and toss it into the deep blue sea.  Don't look back.

Trying to make her pay, trying to make everyone agree with you how terribly she has acted, trying whatever... .odds are it would only complicate your current legal issues.  Yes, never confirm that what you said was a threat or even a hint of a threat.  Sort of the way you would warn someone sitting on a tree branch not to saw off the branch since they would fall.  Sadly, in today's world it is getting harder and harder to get people to look at the intentions of the one person talking than at the perceptions of the other person hearing.

I repeat, try your best to quietly end the current legal problems with the least damage to you legally.  Then... .  Let Go.  Move On.  Don't look back.

Title: Re: I have a Question
Post by: enlighten me on December 22, 2014, 01:16:38 AM
There is plenty of great advice here. Foreverdad has it spot on. I know how hard it is to keep your cool when their mere presence makes you want to scream. What you have to bear in mind is that by going into a rage about her you will only add credance to her claims. You will look like the crazy one and her the victim. Actions speak louder than words. By remaining calm and taking the moral high ground you will undermine her lies. My exgf did a smear campaign on me which has been eroded away by my behaviour. Her new friends have queztioned what they have heard about me and are distancing themselves from her.

I have also planned for her trying to involve the police. Not that I think she will but who truly knows what they will do.

Yours obviously knows the law and is using it to her advantage. I get the impression that when it comes to her you have trouble staying composed. This is something you need to work on as it is what will get you in trouble. NC and avoid at all costs. By proving you want nothing to do with her then you can argue that the order is eestricting your life as you aee unable to even go shopping for fear of breaching it. If there is evidence that she has done this before as others have said then it will add weight to it. Also any evidence of her contacting you or attempting to will add to your case.

You are probably wantung revenge for the injustice she has inflicted. This will trip you up. It will make you do things that add to her credibility.

Your best revenge is to move on and have a happy life. She will keep tabs on you and every time she hears you are happy and over her she will feel pain.