
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: Perfidy on December 21, 2014, 08:09:02 PM

Title: She is so broken and damaged that the only possible way for her is up
Post by: Perfidy on December 21, 2014, 08:09:02 PM
I'd like to weigh in on this one. It's certain that we all must be who we are and cannot ever be anyone else. All things come to us through our minds. The only thing that we can change is how we perceive ourselves, other people, and objects. Of all the things that we are powerless over, our minds isn't one of them. Surely, your ex must be who she is and cannot ever be anyone else. She's human. If indeed she has BPD, she's a sick human. Sick humans have every chance of getting well. BPD isn't a terminal diagnosis. Life is resilient and 90% of all illness cures itself. I seriously doubt that my ex grew a morale compass overnight. I doubt that her drug addiction left her and she now sports wings and plays a harp. I doubt that her misunderstanding and misuse of language has improved. I doubt that her overall person has undergone a miraculous transformation. As I evolve through my life, I'm aware that most of what I thought about any of my ex's was only my deluded thought. Whatever you're thinking probably isn't ever going to happen. Whatever it is that your thinking is most likely wrong. I thought my ex wife that I divorced twenty years ago had met Fabio, Christ, and Clint Eastwood all rolled into one with an allergy to kryptonite. Wrong. That fell apart for her. So did the next savior. And the next. She's living with my daughter now. Single.

My BPDex, the freakiest freak I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, she is so broken and damaged that the only possible way for her is up. I truly hope the best for her and nosy yet what, there is no doubt in my mind that the new guy has his hands full. Cheers!

Title: Re: She is so broken and damaged that the only possible way for her is up
Post by: sun seeker on March 01, 2015, 05:36:03 PM
Well said Perf.  |iiii