Title: help... Post by: sergi0830 on January 14, 2015, 08:08:07 PM How Can I set boundaries with ex gf/friend who has BPD, i tired of being her bail out, with money,walking her dog, clean the house etc
Title: Re: help... Post by: Ripped Heart on January 14, 2015, 09:00:58 PM Hi sergi *welcome*
It can be very difficult and frustrating when we feel that our boundaries are constantly being walked upon or we move our boundaries out of fear of causing distress and upset to our loved ones. It's important for our own emotional well being that we create boundaries and enforce them. Boundaries are our own values in which we look to uphold. It's also an area I struggle in too so you are certainly not alone there :) My advice to you would be start with reading through some of our tools around boundaries. Perhaps the best starting point would be with BOUNDARIES: Upholding our values and independence (https://bpdfamily.com/content/values-and-boundaries) and see how you get on from there. We would love to hear more about your story and what has brought you to the site. RH Title: Re: help... Post by: formflier on January 14, 2015, 09:36:36 PM How Can I set boundaries with ex gf/friend who has BPD, i tired of being her bail out, with money,walking her dog, clean the house etc *welcome* *welcome* *welcome* *welcome* I want to join Ripped Heart in welcoming you. The issues you indicate you are having trouble with are quite common. We have good success pointing people like yourself in the right direction. I agreed with Ripped... .a little more detail will help. Maybe pick a time where you bailed her out with one of the issues... .and go into detail on how that went. Title: Re: help... Post by: waverider on January 15, 2015, 04:37:48 AM There are two main areas that often concern partners and boundaries.
~High conflict including abusive behavior, which leads to stress. ~Neediness and being far too dependent, which creates frustration What are your main primary areas of concern? |