
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: raisins3142 on January 19, 2015, 06:27:37 PM

Title: BPD and fantasy/sci fi genre, connection?
Post by: raisins3142 on January 19, 2015, 06:27:37 PM
My ex was a rabid consumer of fantasy/sci fi books, shows, and movies.

I'm wondering if this is common, anyone else experience this?

It made sense in her case because she was living in a different reality and she used books as an escape from a young age.  She also claimed that she had "book boyfriends" and the real thing just couldn't compare.

She would also get into a show and binge watch, like every episode in a weekend.  She would often subject me to this and I'd end up wasting a day laying in bed with her watching episode after episode of a show until it was mind numbing.

After we broke up, I made contact to suggest a new show.

A few days later, she said she liked it and had watched the whole season already.  Also, she said she had read 2 books that she and I had planned to read together.  I think this was her last attempt at mirroring to get me back.  Liking the same shows is just not enough, however.

Title: Re: BPD and fantasy/sci fi genre, connection?
Post by: hope2727 on January 19, 2015, 06:41:59 PM
Mine read teen fantasy novels. Like one or two a week. It was creepy. Mind you I love sic fi. Its kind of my guilty pleasure. So who knows.

Title: Re: BPD and fantasy/sci fi genre, connection?
Post by: raisins3142 on January 19, 2015, 06:48:35 PM
Mine read teen fantasy novels. Like one or two a week. It was creepy. Mind you I love sic fi. Its kind of my guilty pleasure. So who knows.

I like it too, but I have other genres I like a lot as well.

With her, it was very strongly her preference and she immersed herself in it and even had pictures of various mythical creatures all over her walls.

I know it is possible to have this interest and be healthy, as most people that like sci fi are fine.  But it just struck me that other worldly fantasy stuff might really appeal to a BPD for obvious reasons, and maybe that is what I saw with her.

Interestingly, she loved the idea of telepathy and found it erotic.  It was a huge thing with her.  I think this makes sense too.  She wanted to finally be understood from the inside out and the only way to do that would be to have some sort of a mind meld.

Title: Re: BPD and fantasy/sci fi genre, connection?
Post by: Maternus on January 19, 2015, 06:53:28 PM
I don't think so. My uBPDex had no great interest in sci fi, more in fantasy. My ex-wife - who is definitely a nonBPD - is a sci fi and fantasy fan - she likes Star Trek, Star Wars, LOTR, the Hobbit - and she is not so black and white about it. There a many movies she don't like that much, she thinks they are mediocre - but she is willing to give them another chance, to watch them again, to see them from another perspective. That is something you can't expect from a pwBPD.

Title: Re: BPD and fantasy/sci fi genre, connection?
Post by: ADecadeLost on January 19, 2015, 07:11:30 PM
I don't think there is a connection.  In the case of my dBPD ex-wife, she was definitely not a sci-fi fan.

It made sense in her case because she was living in a different reality and she used books as an escape

I think there is something to this statement though.  Mine was obsessed with movies (Seriously, I've probably seen 90% of movies that came out in theaters over the past decade).  It was her escape. 

Title: Re: BPD and fantasy/sci fi genre, connection?
Post by: SlyQQ on January 19, 2015, 07:47:12 PM
Mine liked detective stories I think they like a genre where there is a more analytical than emotional connection with the characters

Title: Re: BPD and fantasy/sci fi genre, connection?
Post by: fred6 on January 19, 2015, 07:53:22 PM
Mine liked detective stories I think they like

a genre where there is a more analytical

than emotional connection with the characters

Mine watched that IDdiscovery channel all the time. The one where the women kill their husbands for the money and forensic files type shows. It actually kind of worried me sometimes. I actually made joking comments to her, asking if she was getting ideas to knock me off. Her reply, "you never know". How fabulous is that?

Title: Re: BPD and fantasy/sci fi genre, connection?
Post by: ADecadeLost on January 19, 2015, 09:32:24 PM
Mine watched that IDdiscovery channel all the time. The one where the women kill their husbands for the money and forensic files type shows.

Mine dove headlong into the Investigation Discovery shows when they were first added to netflix as well.  Pretty sure she watched all of them.

Title: Re: BPD and fantasy/sci fi genre, connection?
Post by: SlyQQ on January 19, 2015, 10:16:16 PM
Mines particular interest was serial killers ( her friends had jokingly called her the black widow ) they didnt know how close they were

Title: Re: BPD and fantasy/sci fi genre, connection?
Post by: hergestridge on January 20, 2015, 12:57:27 AM
My wife was very much into movies and tv series. It became a problem when we our daughter was born because she didn't find the time to watch and got grumpy. I must add her interest escalated in her 30s.