
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: RedDove on January 21, 2015, 11:01:44 AM

Title: Close encounter of the BPD kind
Post by: RedDove on January 21, 2015, 11:01:44 AM
I drove my Dad to his eye doctor appointment yesterday. His health has not been well and I've driven him to numerous doctor visits for tests. He needed to have his eyes dilated and tested for cataracts. My Dad was called into the inner waiting room. I was sitting in the outer waiting room. I always bring my Kindle cause you never know how long you'll have to wait for the doctors.

I heard the nurse call ex BPD's first name, I looked up and it was my ex BPDbf! I was so engrossed in my book that I didn't notice him enter the waiting area! It was a small waiting room so we couldn't had been more than 8-10 feet away from each other. When I saw the back of his head as he went through the door to the inner waiting room I suddenly felt a sense of anxiety, fear and panic wash over me. Luckily my Dad came out a minute later and we left.

I helped my Dad to the car and asked him if he saw ex BPDbf. He said no, but said his eyes are dilated and everything is shadowy. We got in the car to drive home and I got a text from ex BPDbf asking if I was at "that" doctors office and if my Dad was okay. I replied with a simple yes, he's okay. He texted again saying he was getting his eyes checked post eye surgery.

Mind you, he tried to get me to be his ride on the day of his surgery last week. But I didn't play into his victim feel sorry for me mentality and told him to get one of his sons and my Dad was the priority right now.

He texted again an hour later saying his eyes were dilated and he was still waiting to see the doctor. Phew! I'm glad that I didn't get to see him and he didnt approach me. I felt more anxiety than I thought I would just hearing his voice and realizing it was him when I saw the back of his head! He was also "alone", which I found to be sad, especially considering you're not supposed to drive after having your eyes dilated!

Hmmm... .and where's the OW he cheated on me with... .she didn't get the "honor" to drive him? Perhaps she has been devalued and is now being used for sex (just like he did to me) until a new shiny attachment can be found, or an old one (me) recycled!