
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: sun seeker on March 01, 2015, 02:28:45 PM

Title: I've got 99 problems but BPD isn't one
Post by: sun seeker on March 01, 2015, 02:28:45 PM
 Hello all.

I have not been on here in a while. Im just here to say the struggle is real , the need for healing is real as well.

  We have have been hurt by this disorder. and it sucks that we let this in our lives. All in all the experiance has tought me alot about myself and what needs to be addressed in me. Today im am greatful for my diagnosed BPDexgf  putting me through all this. Without this experiance I may have not looked into myself so soon as i did , I would have been letting these disordered people in my life today. I can say i am happier than ever , life is falling into place. Know I can spot personality disorders in people pretty quick now. This disorder is pretty common.  And I can get out befoer it gets to r/s status. 

There is life after an BPD r/s . Keep sharing here, keep n/c at all cost and educate yourself about BPD. And realize you escaped alive to many of us dont.

Title: Re: I've got 99 problems but BPD isn't one
Post by: Trog on March 01, 2015, 02:34:31 PM

It does make you great at spotting BPD/NPD and forces you to look at your boundaries. I was saying on board6 that I now have strict boundaries about many issues that I would have thought were ridiculous years ago. Perhaps they will soften but right now I am priority 1,2 and 3 and getting my head right and life on track - like the OP says - a run in with a BPD/NPD will eventually set you right in life.

Life is short, they took enough of your time & spirit already. It's time now, esp if you are hurting and healing to put yourself front and centre and work out what you want from life. And stop taking crap!

Title: Re: I've got 99 problems but BPD isn't one
Post by: Tim300 on March 01, 2015, 03:36:38 PM
Without this experience . . . I would have been letting these disordered people in my life today. I can say i am happier than ever , life is falling into place. Know I can spot personality disorders in people pretty quick now. This disorder is pretty common.  And I can get out before it gets to r/s status. 

I agree completely.  The great silver lining of my BPD experience is that I am now very well read on PDs and other mental issues.  My entire life I was always somewhat drawn to "colorful" people (mostly as acquaintances, sometimes as friends, and a couple times for romantic relationships).  I really had no idea that what is sometimes underlying the colorful behavior is a serious mental illness like BPD.  I was clueless.  Now that I'm somewhat of an "expert" on some of these mental issues, I feel like I am at a major advantage in proceeding through the rest of my life.  Being able to read people, understand people, and know who to keep in LC or NC is very valuable.