
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: Jack2727 on March 02, 2015, 12:18:57 PM

Title: Type A personality correlation with mental illness
Post by: Jack2727 on March 02, 2015, 12:18:57 PM
It seems that Type A personalities have a lot of mental illness traits. I was thinking about this. Not saying this pertains exactly to BPD but I see some correlations.

Title: Re: Type A personality correlation with mental illness
Post by: Heldfast on March 02, 2015, 03:09:52 PM
www.elementsbehavioralhealth.com/mental-health/difference-between-personality-disorder-and-mood-disorder/  Seems like type B is the way our BPDs like to go.

Title: Re: Type A personality correlation with mental illness
Post by: Jack2727 on March 02, 2015, 04:03:34 PM

I think you are confusing personality types with Cluster A, B, C, and so forth.

It seems to me that a lot of Type A personalities are centered around heavy levels of narcissism with assoicated Cluster B disorders.

How many sales people would you place under type A? How many of them lie and have issues with alcohol, sex and substance abuse?

Wolf of Wall Street is a great movie that shows that.

Traders, sales, athletes, criminals, movie stars, politicians... .Bill Clinton, John Edwards, Lance Armstrong to name a few.

Anyone in the public eye.

Title: Re: Type A personality correlation with mental illness
Post by: sirensong65 on March 03, 2015, 05:19:09 AM
 This is profiling and I will have none of it... .lol!

But, seriously, I am in sales and marketing, I do public speaking, I perform stand up comedy, I would consider myself Type A and I am the one that got ran over by a very waif like BPD male.  So, let's that paint with that broad a brush stroke... .

Title: Re: Type A personality correlation with mental illness
Post by: Heldfast on March 03, 2015, 06:43:52 AM
I don't know Sirensong... .sales and marketing, stand up comedy... .those are huge red flags. Really the stand up alone.

Title: Re: Type A personality correlation with mental illness
Post by: going places on March 03, 2015, 07:07:37 AM
It seems that Type A personalities have a lot of mental illness traits. I was thinking about this. Not saying this pertains exactly to BPD but I see some correlations.


I think you are confusing personality types with Cluster A, B, C, and so forth.

It seems to me that a lot of Type A personalities are centered around heavy levels of narcissism with assoicated Cluster B disorders.

How many sales people would you place under type A? How many of them lie and have issues with alcohol, sex and substance abuse?

Wolf of Wall Street is a great movie that shows that.

Traders, sales, athletes, criminals, movie stars, politicians... .Bill Clinton, John Edwards, Lance Armstrong to name a few.

Anyone in the public eye.

Hey Jack!

Type A personalities are confident. Well, at least the 'healthy' Type A's.

However, there is a fine line between 'healthy confidence' and 'narc-ed out arrogance'.

The demon I was married too was very much a 'behind the scenes' type person.

Like to shift around in dark places, secretive, deceptions, manipulations, etc.

He is an Engineer, so NOT in the public eye, but; he is has own private 30+ year addiction, when he opens his mouth, it is a lie, of that I am sure; and he has sex issues. I am sure now that he is on his own, he will gain an alcohol problem... .

He looks like the 'perfect' man; He was a youth coach, went to church, always smiling, etc.

But behind closed doors; he was a different person; from a different planet... .

When he dropped his mask in 2011... .everyone was blown away at what he revealed.

So blown away they could not believe it.

Some chose not to believe it... .they really liked, and got used to the 'person he pretended' so they too pretended like nothing happened.

Being a Type A myself; I personally prefer the 'in your face' approach -vs- the "behind your back" approach.

I was the one 'labeled' because I am the one that spoke out. Spoke up. Called an Ace an Ace.

But make no mistake... .he is a monster, a destroyer.

And no one knew it; not until he dropped his mask... .because he was quite, behind the scenes.

Personally I will take a loud mouth over a sneaky back stabber any day.

Title: Re: Type A personality correlation with mental illness
Post by: Jack2727 on March 03, 2015, 09:27:32 AM
Most effective leaders are type A. The problem is what comes along with the prevalence in personality. Not to go total BPD and paint black all type A personalities but you gotta say a fair amount of them are on the high psychotic side of the spectrum.

I think confidence can sometimes be paired together with people with Type A personalities. In my mind, I think we all have the capability to be type A. If let's say I won a huge lottery jackpot tomorrow and people started to act differently towards me and build my esteem I would become more confident, assertive, and develop more type A traits. But if lets say I lost everything and I took on a major ego injury. Wouldn't it be an easy to erode away those traits?

I think we are a byproduct of our psychological experiences. That is what forms us. If you profile famous people there always seems to be a traumatic event or trigger that makes them what they become.