
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: hope2727 on April 09, 2015, 09:04:30 AM

Title: Happy birthday darling
Post by: hope2727 on April 09, 2015, 09:04:30 AM
Happy birthday darling,

I don't know where you are or what you are doing but I do know that I love you. I wish you a happy peaceful love filled day.

I know birthdays were always huge triggers for you. I know you always became morose and sad. I always tried to make them so special for you . I won't be able to do that for you this year. But darling I wish I could. You will have to sooth yourself this year. You will have to plan your own party.

I still have your present from last year sitting here. It as usual is one part homemade, one part something you really wanted, one part something I think you'll like.  It is still wrapped. I had such a lovely evening planned. There is nothing I can do about that now. It appears I can't even mail the present to you without hurting you and thats the last thing I want to do.

So this year your birthday is just going to be another day in this house. I hope it is special in your house.

Thanks guys

I just needed to write it out somewhere.  :'(

Title: Re: Happy birthday darling
Post by: tholian on April 09, 2015, 10:15:21 AM
Stay strong hope2727. Better days are coming. Say what you feel like here, it will help to get it out from your chest.

Take care

Title: Re: Happy birthday darling
Post by: cosmonaut on April 09, 2015, 07:53:08 PM
Very kind wishes.  I hope tomorrow is easier, hope.  I know these special days can be really hard.  Let us know if you want to talk about it more.  We're here for you.

Title: Re: Happy birthday darling
Post by: hope2727 on April 09, 2015, 10:01:15 PM
The day is almost over. I thought about you almost not at all. I was busy with my own life once again.

I went to campus today and missed you. Missed us. I thought of us walking hand in hand to class and eating  looking over the city lights. Remember breakfast after anthro class? We had such fun you and I. Remember showing me the museums?

I miss you darling. I miss our life. The yard is a mess. But spring is here. We would be sweeping and planting our garden soon if you were here. I will plant some berries for you.

Where ever you are you are loved my dear. I hope you had a good birthday. I hope you felt loved. Because you are. You always were. Find peace. Find yourself. Find a future. I might see you there some day.

Thanks guys. No one to tell it to here that understands.