
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: going places on April 14, 2015, 11:03:07 PM

Title: Resting B Face
Post by: going places on April 14, 2015, 11:03:07 PM
It's a thing; Resting B!+(h Face.

I have it.

My daughter (21) says that it's when I am making a mean face w/o trying. It's just the look on my face.

((I told her to tell me every time I am doing it so I can be aware, and change it))

I do not want to walk around w/ RBF.

Even when I am in a good mood... . there it is... . YIKES

1. No one will ever get near me to get to know me, much less ask me out with THAT look on my face LOL!

2. I do not want to look like I am in a mood all the time... . Good Lord, what in the world do I need to do to make it stop!


I never had RBF before 2011!

Any ideas?

Title: Re: Resting B Face
Post by: Grey Kitty on April 23, 2015, 08:10:28 AM
I'm wondering if it is a reflection of your attitude/feelings, from being in such a difficult relationship for so long.

If so, as you get happier, it may fade of its own accord?

Title: Re: Resting B Face
Post by: Blimblam on April 23, 2015, 07:05:22 PM
Makes sense.

Often on here I see your narrative is in that of critical parent seeking out interactions to be critical of the "child," focusing on the impulsive aspects of the child as to the reasons to justify the narrative.  The critical parent is enmeshed with the child it needs the child to be critical of, "you complete me."

The film hook with Robin Williams, I bet warning it with your daughter and the. Talking about it together after would be really therapeutic.  Maybe you could do this scene with Her. Where the kid moves pans face around to recognize him.

Title: Re: Resting B Face
Post by: fromheeltoheal on April 26, 2015, 09:12:54 AM
Friends used to tell me I looked like I was constipated, that was my ashole face, and it was a direct result of my focus on negative crap and poor maintenance of my health and body.  Of course I was in survival mode then so I cut myself some slack for it, but later relearned that if I get good exercise, eat right, get enough sleep, go light on the booze and caffeine, hydrate like hell, and just as importantly focus on the bright future I'm creating, it shows up all over my face, and I see it reflected in other people's eyes when they look at me.  I also had a tendency to walk around looking at the ground, and looking up, shoulders back, good posture, is a more empowered physiology and allows me to see those other shining eyes.  Emotion is created by focus and physiology, and it shows up all over our faces.  You look really good when you smile, I can feel it from here... .