
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: tristesse on April 28, 2015, 11:51:12 AM

Title: It's like a yo-yo
Post by: tristesse on April 28, 2015, 11:51:12 AM
So my last post was a little harried and I was completely undone over my DD, but this is where we are today.

She has not taken any meds in several weeks, probably closer to a few months, she has not seen a therapist in at least 3 months, and we were all bracing for the pending doom, It never came.

She has taken control of her life and is really starting to self regulate, she is practicing Kundalini Yoga and meditation, and has started walking, she is up to about two miles a day. Coupled with that, she has given up cigarettes, and caffeine, she has done this all at one time and all with no aide or intervention.

We had a conversation the other day and she was very open and frank with me, she explained that she didn't want to keep taking the meds that were causing her to gain weight, causing extreme acne, causing insomnia and not making her feel better, or regulating her moods, or her anxiety, and as she pointed out, they certainly didn't prevent her from raging.

So she has decided to take matters into her own hands and see if she can get herself to a better place by focusing on her KUNDALINI. I believe that is a great place to start, and I must say that things have NOT gotten worse since she has been off the meds, and yoga plus meditation can not hurt her, the walking for exercise can not hurt either.

There are days when she is unable to walk due to her agoraphobia, but maybe if she gets herself to a better place, that will start to subside too.

Anyway, I just wanted to share something positive for a change, Life is not always all bad. She still has issues, and we still have problems, but everybody has to start somewhere, and the fact that she has made these changes on her own with no prompting, is a good sign. I DO NOT SUGGEST that anybody stop taking their meds. I was actually quite concerned after she stopped, she was quite brutal for a time. But I can not force her to take them. What I did notice was that SHE took control, and that she knows and understands she has a problem, and that she has finally decided to try to get better. albeit on her terms. but I'll take it.

Title: Re: It's like a yo-yo
Post by: Rapt Reader on April 28, 2015, 07:00:48 PM
Thanks for the update, tristesse  |iiii

It does sound promising that the changes are not only very positive and healthy, but they were initiated by your daughter, herself. That, in and of itself, is the most promising thing--if she doesn't feel that she is being forced to make these changes she may be more likely to follow through with them. Very good news!

It sounds like she made these decisions in a thoughtful way, and there's no faulting someone trying to improve their situation if they are being mindful about what they are doing... .I really hope that this is her answer, and that things will only go in the right direction for her--even if it is sometimes two steps forward, one step back--from now on. And who knows, if she really should be on those meds, or at least some of them, she may even come to realize that, too, and go back on or get them adjusted.

I've learned with my son--now that he isn't addicted to drugs anymore--that when he feels he is in control of his life and health (and not being pressured by others) that he will make some really very good decisions, and some decisions that even I had been hoping he'd make 

Title: Re: It's like a yo-yo
Post by: tristesse on April 29, 2015, 09:56:27 AM
always nice reading your responses Rapt Reader. You are very insightful, and always quite helpful. I appreciate your kind words, and your caring thoughtful replies.

I'm hoping my DD continues to make positive choices ad your son has done, but either way, I will be watching from the sidelines.

Title: Re: It's like a yo-yo
Post by: trytrytry on April 29, 2015, 01:32:55 PM
Dear tristesse,

So wonderful to hear good news.  Happy for you both.

Title: Re: It's like a yo-yo
Post by: Kwamina on May 01, 2015, 01:28:05 AM
Hi tristesse

This is great news! I am very happy to hear that your daughter is doing better and is taking control of her life like this :) You've been through a lot with her and you always committed yourself to being there for her no matter what. I always admired this attitude of yours because I know it hasn't been easy for you. It seems like your daughter has come to a point where she's able to see her behavior and the consequences of her behavior more clearly. BPD is a difficult disorder but there are people with this disorder who have learned to better manage their difficult thoughts, emotions and behavior. For this to happen it is essential that the person acknowledges the issues and fully commits to working on them and it sounds like that is exactly what's going on with your daughter now |iiii Great news! :)

Title: Re: It's like a yo-yo
Post by: tristesse on May 01, 2015, 08:55:03 AM
The support of my friends on this sight is always overwhelming. You are a wonderful bunch of people, and this site is a life line. Much Love to all

Title: Re: It's like a yo-yo
Post by: lbjnltx on May 01, 2015, 10:55:45 AM

We are here for you through the highs and lows.