
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: BumbleBee99 on April 29, 2015, 02:11:15 AM

Title: After I left and took my daughter things got nastier
Post by: BumbleBee99 on April 29, 2015, 02:11:15 AM
I had a child with my ex and went through a very stressful three years were I've moved five times. Spent a year in total living with his parents which was very stressful - felt very targeted. As a new mum I was a bit needy but many of these needs went unmet. I've now left the ex. After I left and took my daughter things got nastier between myself and him and his family. As I am part time and was recently on maternity I can't get a mortgage so I'm staying at my dads. This was meant to be temporary as he has issues himself but it's difficult to get my life back together while I'm here. I may need to move area (getting pressure from ex not to - he says I would be infringing his parental rights however I don't know what else he said cexpects me to do and it's down to him and his parents that we had to leave our home and I e had to take my daughter out of nursery and find a new one)

I'm not sure what I'm dealing with. He said I have npd and at times I believe it while at others I think it's probably him. Does any of this sound familiar?

Title: Re: New member - situation
Post by: Turkish on April 29, 2015, 12:34:05 PM
Hello BumbleBee99, and *welcome*

It's frustrating to deal with a person who may project their disordered thoughts onto us. This is common, even for "nons."

How old is your daughter, if I may ask, and how is she handling this? It's certainly stressful to escape a high conflict relationship and also have to parent a child. Is there a plan for custody or visitation, or do you not feel safe around her father? I hope to hear more.
