
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: newtothis28 on April 30, 2015, 06:05:47 PM

Title: No contact
Post by: newtothis28 on April 30, 2015, 06:05:47 PM
Day 21

Eh... .whatever 

Title: Re: No contact
Post by: ReclaimingMyLife on April 30, 2015, 06:08:48 PM
Good job, newtothis.  Day 21 is day 21.  Can you say more? 

Title: Re: No contact
Post by: newtothis28 on April 30, 2015, 07:14:14 PM
thank you

Title: Re: No contact
Post by: Reforming on May 01, 2015, 03:25:34 AM
Day 21

Eh... .whatever  

Hi newtothis28

Well done for getting day 21  |iiii

Are you OK? Would you be comfortable telling us a little more about your relationship

I think we all found detaching a tough process   , but sharing your thoughts and feeling can really help.

One of our senior members, 2010 wrote this to another poster who was going through NC and I found it very helpful

"I know you feel down right now. This is completely appropriate given the circumstances, but I’m here to tell you – you will get through this. There is a resolve inside of you that will not be extinguished. It is a flame that exists in spite of your heartache and you will keep it alive, because there are many people out there who will love you- you just need to give them a chance. Day by day, every person you meet gives you the possibility for love. The despair you feel right now- it will pass, I promise. But first, we need closure on your spiritual wound. Your despair is about a lack of closure, and this back and forth just rips the scab off. So how do we suture you up? What is the best method of closure?

For most people, closure is an action word - you take action by closing the door to someone who has hurt you- especially someone who has hurt you multiple times. And for most people, this is very hard to do. You’ve held out hope for so long and the back and forth is keeping that hope alive, but it’s also spiritually draining.

No contact is saying that you don’t want to be hurt anymore and you want (or at least attempt) a better future. The hope is something you give yourself. That’s self-preservation and self love and it’s the effort you make to keep that tiny flame alive inside of you despite the fact that another person has hurt you. You may fall off the wagon and break the no contact agreement, but it will eventually work its way through and the door will be closed. Then you must grieve.

The best you can hope for is that someday you will find peace from the aftermath (now known as an interaction rather than a relationship) An interaction with someone who needed you for the wrong reasons, (not the right ones) which supported a disordered belief system where you were assigned a role to play. You’re going to have to accept that this wasn’t supposed to be a lifelong commitment and that’s a GOOD thing you realized this sooner rather than later.

You will eventually accept that the closing of doors lead to the opening of others, and you will wistfully admire your commitment to try and love this person, while realizing the futility of your efforts and still ask yourself the hard questions about why you were willing to love in such a way that you were willing to turn against loving yourself.

It will get better. Day by day. Give it time. And please don’t ever give up."


We're here for you and please keep posting
