
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Bettering a Relationship or Reversing a Breakup => Topic started by: shattered1 on May 27, 2015, 04:18:23 PM

Title: just realizrd hes BPD...
Post by: shattered1 on May 27, 2015, 04:18:23 PM
Well currently he's totally shut me out... .withdrawn... .after two years of  roller coaster relationship that has left me completely broken... .Confused... .hurt... .angry... .lost... .I feel like I'mggoing crazy trying to figure this person out... .I now realize what's wrong... .and he's textbook BPD... .really bad... .iI couldn't believe what I was reading... .now I just want to tell Him I get it... .but honestly I don't know what to do... .Family and friends are like get rid of that crazy... .why do I still want him so much?  Why am I so worried about him when obliviously he doesn't care... .or does he?  Were all the things he said to me lies to manipulate me?  What was true?  What wasn't?  I can't stop crying you see... .I left a marriage ( crummy at best). Left a home. Gave up a lot... .I feel like a human yo yo.   I can't believe this person who I love so much. And I thought loved me has done to me... .but of course he thinksits my fault... .Geeze... .Thanks for listening... .

Title: Re: just realizrd hes BPD...
Post by: Stalwart on May 27, 2015, 05:37:06 PM
Hey Shattered 

I'm glad you're here. You are going to find a lot of people here that can so relate to what you're going through. There's a lot of fantastic information here. A moderator or someone better at showing you around should be here soon. They're the best.

I'm so sorry about the situation you're in. It sounds as though you made a lot of really life changing decisions only to find out the rug was pulled out from under you.

I don't' know if you friend is BPD or he isn't. I don't like making assumptions but if you can relate to some of the reading and actions than it's enough to say he has BPD like symptoms so diagnosis really isn't overly relevant. What you see, hear and feel certainly is though.

You've asked a question and I have one of you if you're up to it. If not that's OK too.

... .why do I still want him so much? 

So why do you Shattered? It's not that love isn't enough of a reason but we all have so many reasons, fears and apprehensions and wants behind our decisions. Maybe it would help a little bit to distract from the moment if you did just recall for a moment "Why do I still want him so much?" and see it literally in front of you.

Glad you're here Shattered.

Title: Re: just realizrd hes BPD...
Post by: married21years on May 28, 2015, 02:39:19 AM

you have to look at your self as-well

have you looked into codependency, some research on that is needed to see if that is an issue you have as-well.

i had to and i realized i did and i am in therapy for that.

hope this helps