
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: fightingmadmom on June 02, 2015, 07:19:05 PM

Title: Newly diagnosed
Post by: fightingmadmom on June 02, 2015, 07:19:05 PM
Hello I am new here and am just getting started in the researching stage of BPD. My daughter has been informally diagnosed with BPD, and only informally due to lack of funds for the testing from a psychiatrist, and her refusal to take any type of meds on a daily basis. I am looking for any help and support that my family can find, we are all tired of living in a war zone all the time. I have no doubt that all of you know what I'm saying.  Thank you for allowing me to find this group!

Title: Re: Newly diagnosed
Post by: lbjnltx on June 03, 2015, 07:04:48 AM
Hello fightingmadmom,

We are glad you found us!  and yes... .we understand.  It's difficult to break the cycle of conflict on your own, though it is possible to learn how.  Lesson 3, to the right has several tools for diffusing emotions and responding helpfully while protecting yourself.  Everyone in the family can learn and put these skills into practice.  Does your daughter live in the home?  Other children there too?

How old is your daughter?  

I look forward to your reply.


Title: Re: Newly diagnosed
Post by: tristesse on June 03, 2015, 08:09:55 AM
Welcome Fightingmadmom. I too am glad you found bpdfamily.

Like lbjnltx,  I would like more information on your family, your daughter specifically. How old is she, how long has she been displaying the symptoms of BPD? Are there other children in the house?

I too want to introduce you to the lessons and tools on the right side of this board, they are quite beneficial. They take time and practice, but really do help.

I also want to mention a few books that have helped me along the way. The first is , I HATE YOU, DON'T LEAVE ME. then there is STOP WALKING ON EGGSHELLS. Both od these books have helped me personally.

My own daughter has BPD, and by gaining an understanding of the illness, I was better able to help myself and in turn, help her to help herself. My daughter has stopped taking all meds also, she has been med free for a few month now, and while I don't suggest this for anybody, I can not force her to take the pills. She has however discovered yoga and meditation, which has been quite helpful in keeping her in a more stable frame of mind.

Please continue to tell us about your situation, so that we may continue to help.

Take care of yourself, and please believe that there is hope for a better life.