Title: A letter to my BPDexGF Post by: HurtTwice on June 11, 2015, 10:15:32 PM To my BPD exGF:
I'm sorry for everything you've had to experience in your life. I'm sorry for the person who sexually abused you when you were a child. I'm sorry for the man who gave you an STD as an adult. I'm sorry for your family who constantly tells you that you're a failure. I'm sorry that you are unable to maintain close relationships with your friends. I'm sorry that your disorder doesn't allow you to have a fulfilling relationship or life. I'm sorry that you hate yourself so much and that you have to do so much to cover it up. You have caused me an incredible amount of pain. But I don't think it can ever compare to the pain you experience every day. I'm sorry that you will never know what a happy life is and I am sorry for the others that you will hurt in the future. And I am sorry that I made the mistake of thinking I could save you and help you find the happiness that you will never have. Title: Re: A letter to my BPDexGF Post by: Yolanda123 on June 11, 2015, 10:29:44 PM HurtTwice
That is a very beautiful letter and it shows real love and compassion from you... .I hope that writing it was liberating for you, and I hope you wrote it for you, and not for her... .because I don't think we can touch their heart... .I think it's buried deep deep Inside, somewhere nobody can reach. I hope that you can move on Title: Re: A letter to my BPDexGF Post by: ZeusRLX on June 11, 2015, 10:38:12 PM Thanks for sharing, there was a time when I would have written something very similar.
The universe is enormous and 99.99% of the things in it one person cannot impact or change. There is power and peace in that realization, at least to me. |