Title: Online humilation for my ex Post by: lm911 on June 15, 2015, 04:47:20 PM I saw that my ex was humilated in one facebook group due to the fact she wrote a hateful post. And the responses were all insulting toward her ( really nasty things). This is all because of her disorder and out of control emotions - she has to allow her anger to go somewhere - so she made in online and the result is tragic. She did not even try to defend herself from the insults, although in the past she used to say such nasty things me without me having any guilt.
How I felt? I felt sad for her. I can write in this forum, but I did not do it. Not because I do not want to defend her or to show that someone still loves her, but because I am no more her takecare. She has to see that she is responsible for her actions, not someone else. The other reason is I did not post a comment to defend her is that I am still a trigger for her, and I will be the one who will be accused for her publication. What I was trying to say is even if we see our exes struggling we should not aproach, because we will be blamed and she will feel even worse. |