
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: rotiroti on June 23, 2015, 10:57:55 AM

Title: How long did you stay with your BPDex? What got you to leave/be left for?
Post by: rotiroti on June 23, 2015, 10:57:55 AM
Thank you everyone who's shared their story on here. I'm 10 days out and knowing that I'm not the only gives me great comfort.

I was involved with my uBPDex for 7 months -- we were friends for 8 years and lived together/engaged for 8 days ugh -- and the pain and confusion was unbearable. I am so thankful that I left when I did and can't fathom the husk of a person I would've been if I had stayed.

4 intense days of criticism and I had enough and the knowledge to recognize the  red-flag s.

Yet I still feel like I was the one that was dumped and at fault. The most painful part was when she gave the ring back to me... ugh. I'm keeping busy and enforcing strict n/c. It feels liberating to feel like myself again. Hanging out with my friends and family reminds me that relationships are not a delicate mine field to be navigated. I love not having to walk on egg shells around my own home.

Stay strong everyone!

Title: Re: How long did you stay with your BPDex? What got you to leave/be left for?
Post by: Forestaken on June 23, 2015, 01:38:07 PM
Me: Married 24 years, separated 3 years, divorced 1 year.

My uBPD+dOCD-Xw was physically, emotionally, and financially abusive to me and the kids.  In July 2011, she went back to her hometown for a visit.  My kids and I had wonderful holidays again and life was good.  In May 2012, she was going to come back, we all were tense. 

May 2, 2012:

She called while I was out, S22 answered the phone "Have your father call me" then hanged-up.

I returned from the pharmacy, S22 gave the message I called her family home in her hometown.

Her older sister answered, told me that my Xw(52) and the younger sister(46) got into a fight over keys: 4 adults 2 sets of keys (I dunno why they didn't get more keys made)

Older sister: "Xw hit Sister46" -

Later May 2, 2012:

Xw called, screamed at me for calling her family home rather than her aunt's home.  Not once, did she tell me what happened.

May 4, 2012:

I went to a lawyer.

Title: Re: How long did you stay with your BPDex? What got you to leave/be left for?
Post by: UserName69 on June 23, 2015, 04:29:12 PM
Six months. She drove me crazy with her BPD behavior, ignoring me, push pull, idolizing me etc. At one point when it was over again I had contact with an another girl, I met her longtime ago during a breakup. Long story short; I started to date her my exBPD knew this and she got upset (while she was the one who dumped me). What was she even thinking? Did she really thought I would stay single and cry about her for the rest of my life? This idea only motivated me to move on and forget completely about her.

No need for me to want my exBPD back anymore. You can't stay with a pwBPD, it's just impossible. I'm glad that rs is over with her and I don't have to see her again. I can't believe how I used to keep up with her.

You guys need to move on and forget totally about your exBPD's, they aren't worth it. You won't get them back, and even if you did they'll be worse instead focus on yourself. Improve and find a new love.

Title: Re: How long did you stay with your BPDex? What got you to leave/be left for?
Post by: NonBPDEx on June 23, 2015, 04:33:30 PM
Me: Married 24 years, separated 3 years, divorced 1 year.

Forestaken: That is quite some time. Why so long if you do not mind me asking. There must have been a lot of good to stay that long. How many of those years were good?