
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: gomez_addams on June 30, 2015, 02:36:16 AM

Title: Getting over a lost item...
Post by: gomez_addams on June 30, 2015, 02:36:16 AM
So the stbx uBPDw left for good today.  I moved back in, and the house is in good order.

I did a quick inventory of things, and I suspected she would have taken a certain item (worth $800-ish).  It's replaceable.  Not even worth engaging her to get it back, but I might ask down the road.

However, in checking a closet (to see what was left in it) I noticed a small bag was missing.  The bag had some irreplaceable items.  Zero street value.  Value only to me.  Hard to describe without going in to detail what they are, but I'm sick to my stomach at the idea that they might be gone.

Before I jump to conclusions I'll triple check the house.  I'll even check the car, because it's the kind of item I definitely would have grabbed on my way out had I thought of it.  I just can't remember if I thought of it, but if I had, I would definitely not have taken the chance.

So regardless of whether they're gone, I get them back, or they're simply here but not where I thought they were I figure this is a good topic.  How do you get over the loss of something that cannot be replaced?  Something that had very significant emotional value?

Anyone ever go through this before?


Title: Re: Getting over a lost item...
Post by: mitatsu on June 30, 2015, 03:29:40 AM
Whilst not valuable all the V5's (pink/green slips) i.e proof of ownership of my motorbikes went missing... .they have always been in the same box for years in seperate folders so to loose misplace 1 maybe but all 3?... .hmmm

Title: Re: Getting over a lost item...
Post by: zundertowz on June 30, 2015, 10:31:58 AM
both times my ex kicked me out she stole my wallet and the went ballastic cause she knew I would just take off to avoid a scene... .the third and final time I got my wallet but my ID was missing and a week later when i picked up my stuff all my paper work was gone... .Birth cert, ss card... .everything... .so i was basically left with no ID and paper work... .what a mess. 

Title: Re: Getting over a lost item...
Post by: gomez_addams on July 03, 2015, 11:58:33 PM
Good news: the irreplaceable items were found!  They were packed away in a place I'd never think to look.  Basically in "deep storage"... .

She's done that in the past.  When she'd be really upset with me, she'd rearrange the house, and all of my stuff would be in the closet.

But the things I thought were gone have been found.  I'm glad I thought to triple check before accusing her.  And I'm glad I didn't tear apart the car... .I'd probably have given up looking for them after that, and might have actually accused her.

One minor downer: the $800 in stuff is more like $1400-ish.  Again, non-essential and replaceable.  It will be replaced someday, but not today.

I'm feeling pretty grateful. 
