Title: Living across the street Post by: lovenature on July 02, 2015, 01:01:37 PM For those of you who had an ex that lived very close by and would not stop calling, knocking on your door etc., what did you do and how did things turn out?
Title: Re: Living across the street Post by: JohnLove on July 02, 2015, 04:51:36 PM We didn't always live in the same area. When she had to move, she moved closer to me. When I had to move, I moved into her street. Doors apart.
Two years in, we had a huge break up. I went NC. She kept leaving heartfelt apology letters in my mailbox. I read them but didn't respond. The last one I missed. It was a goodbye letter. She attempted suicide while I was sleeping. We are reunited... .not recycled. lol I'll let you know how it turns out. :) Title: Re: Living across the street Post by: lovenature on July 02, 2015, 07:23:54 PM I hope things work out for you JL what ever happens, I know how tough it is.