
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Conflicted About Continuing, Divorcing/Custody, Co-parenting => Topic started by: Aussie JJ on July 17, 2015, 02:59:57 AM

Title: Oh Boy #2
Post by: Aussie JJ on July 17, 2015, 02:59:57 AM

I agreed to the intervention order or whatever they want to acall it with no findings.  Essentially, I will keep away from her for 12 months, not harrass etc etc and their areno findings of guilt. 

I have just been informed that I have three sets of complaints for breaching the intervention order (criminal charges).  I am a bit blown over by this, Police have put it in my file, this in turn notifys licensing body for where I work.  Long story short because of the work I do im under double investigation now. 

I dont even know what the allegations are but its like I've been found guilty without knowing what im guilty of.  Found out through my employer not the Police as well, they are required to notify my employeer.  Through some contacts I asked what was happening and from the responses it isnt good, I have no details what so ever but I cant think of what I have done to breach the intervention order, I am lost for words on this. I normally am able to find out what is happening but now just dead silence from people I have worked with, if not with alongside for years.   

My concern here, last person to have this done to them in the area I work in got forced out so fast he iddnt know what hit him.  If I dont find out what this is and clear it up this is my job gone, they dont have to justify it they can just say "no longer suitable to forfill contract obligations" and then im out.  Company I work for isnt going to re-allocate me to another site.  I also moved to this area because I had the relevant clearances and those as well make it so I can be fired without cause just, "not suitable". 

How can they investigate you when you dont know what your being investigated for, no chance to respond just your under investiagation... .

I honestly have no idea how I could have breached it, I have been sqeeky clean and recording every interaction with her. 

On Monday I beleive I will have to answer questions but NFI what for.  Before I know what im accused of doing im called in t oanswwer questions about it... .what the... .


Title: Re: Oh Boy #2
Post by: Nope on July 17, 2015, 07:53:29 AM
That's just what they do to make sure you are given no opportunity to "work on your story".  :)on't be nervous. Calmly go in there and state what is and is not true. Put all cards on the table as far as evidence that you haven't done anything wrong.

Even if the investigation into your level of clearance turns out fine, contracting is a fickle business. Especially if someone without all of the drama who has the right skill set is easy to get. If it were me, I'd strongly consider retaining an employment lawyer. That forces them to weigh the option that it might be more of a pain to get rid of you than to just hold off and wait for this storm to pass. But that depends on the size of the company. Works well with smaller ones. Bigger ones have endless resources to throw at "problem" employees.

Title: Re: Oh Boy #2
Post by: ForeverDad on July 17, 2015, 09:27:28 AM
Can you get copies of the complaints?  Almost certainly they're unfounded.  Or they're contrived, as in, "I saw his car in the mall's parking lot and so I knew he was stalking me and therefore I had to flee and report it."  If something like that really had happened you wouldn't have known anything about it.

My lawyer told me these examples.  He had a client who drove the interstate highway to and from work.  His order said not to go within 1000 feet or so of his ex.  Well, she worked in a building near the interstate and she claimed he was violating the order by driving past in the limited access highway.   Another client, described as nice but clueless, had a contrived restraining order against him but his divorce decree said he had to deliver wood to his ex's home.  So he was required to do something that his other order prohibited.  He would have been better just not doing it but since she needed wood, he delivered it.  Maybe it would have worked if he had someone else deliver it, I don't know.  His reward for compliance?  He was jailed for the violation. :'(

This is a problem with one-sided orders.  It would have been best if you could convince the court that without any finding then BOTH of you should stay away from each other.  At least that would have put you on somewhat equal footing.

Very likely she's trying to sabotage your parenting through your work so (1) you have to find work elsewhere far, far away and (2) she can try to make you look bad to family court.  Once you find out what this is all about, you may need to return to court to get the order modified so she is less likely to misuse the order.